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Government Oversight

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Date Title
08/17/2010 GAO: Pentagon to Blame for Delay in Cleaning Contamination at Bases, Though Progress has been Achieved
08/02/2010 Lautenberg Statement on Upcoming Senate Confirmation Vote for Elena Kagan
07/28/2010 Lautenberg Statement at Senate Hearing On Filibuster Reform
03/24/2010 Lautenberg Introduces the "Mr. Smith Bill" to Cut Through Senate Obstruction
02/24/2010 Lautenberg Statement On Appointment of Meryl Frank To U.N. Commission
02/22/2010 Lautenberg and Menendez Introduce Bill to Rename Westwood Post Office After Soldier Killed in Afghanistan
02/09/2010 Lautenberg Applauds Senate Confirmation of Judge Joseph Greenaway to Serve on Third Circuit Court of Appeals
02/04/2010 Under Pressure from Lautenberg, Senate Republicans Back Off Delaying Confirmation of NJ Judge
01/26/2010 Lautenberg Fights Republican Obstructionism On New Jersey Judge
12/22/2009 Lautenberg, Menendez, LoBiondo, Adler Applaud Disaster Declaration Granted to Coastal Communities Devastated by November Nor'easter
08/19/2009 Lautenberg Condemns Decision To Release Pan Am Flight 103 Bomber From Prison
08/07/2009 Senate Passes Lautenberg Resolution to Designate September Campus Fire Safety Month
07/16/2009 Lautenberg, Menendez Announce Close To $3 Million For Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention In New Jersey
04/28/2009 Lautenberg Statement on Specter Decision
02/12/2009 Lautenberg, Pascrell Author Resolutions To Designate September Campus Fire Safety Month
02/05/2009 Lautenberg, Menendez Call on Brazilian President to Take Action to Return Sean Goldman to Father
02/04/2009 Lautenberg, Menendez Announce $1.75 Million for Emergency Operations Centers in New Jersey
12/16/2008 Lautenberg: Bonnie Brae Knights To Perform At Obama Inaugural Parade
11/20/2008 NJ Senators Provide Inauguration Update
10/02/2008 Senator Lautenberg's Accomplishments For New Jersey Since August
08/07/2008 Lautenberg Statement on Iraqi Government's Failure to Spend Budget Surplus on Country's Needs
07/29/2008 Senators Call For EPA Administrator's Resignation
06/26/2008 Lautenberg Calls For Investigation Into Safety of Imitation Guns
06/09/2008 Lautenberg, Kerry, Menendez, Dorgan Legislation Demands End to Wartime Propaganda
05/27/2008 Lautenberg, Clinton Comment on New Department of Defense Investigation Into Reports of Pentagon Trying To Influence Comments of Independent Military Analysts
05/20/2008 Lautenberg, Solis, Waxman Introduce Legislation To Protect Americans From Hazardous Chemicals In Consumer Products
05/05/2008 Lautenberg Applauds Closure Of Smoking Rooms In Senate Office Buildings
04/28/2008 Lautenberg, Clinton Call For Investigation Into Reports Of Pentagon Manipulation Of Independent Military Analysts
02/26/2008 Lautenberg Issues Statement on Supreme Court Deliberation of Exxon Valdez Case
02/26/2008 Lautenberg Cosponsors Foreclosure Prevention Act
01/29/2008 Lautenberg Measure Pushing For Greater Safety and Accountability At Warren Grove Gunnery Range Becomes Law
01/28/2008 Lautenberg Responds To State of The Union
01/04/2008 Lautenberg Measure To Enforce Airline Consumer Rights Becomes Law
12/14/2007 Senate Passes Lautenberg Measure Pushing For Greater Safety and Accountability At Warren Grove Gunnery Range
12/12/2007 House Passes Lautenberg Measure Pushing for Greater Safety and Accountability at Warren Grove Gunnery Range
12/06/2007 Lautenberg on Senate Passage of Alternative Minimum Tax Relief Legislation
11/19/2007 Lautenberg To Testify At FCC Hearing On Channel 9 License Renewal In New Jersey
10/02/2007 Senate Passes Lautenberg Measure To Push For Greater Safety And Accountability At Warren Grove Gunnery Range
09/27/2007 Lautenberg Pushes For Greater Safety And Accountability At Warren Grove Gunnery Range
09/17/2007 Lautenberg Reacts To Bush Announcement of Attorney General Pick
09/12/2007 Lautenberg Calls On President Bush To Spearhead Worldwide Ban On Lead Paint In Children's Toys And Products
07/26/2007 Lautenberg, Schumer, Clinton, Menendez Fight To Boost Funding For Homeland Security Program
05/21/2007 Lautenberg, Menendez Meet With Air National Guard, NJ National Guard About Pinelands Fire
05/18/2007 Heads of U.S., N.J. Air National Guard to Meet with Senator Monday in Washington
05/18/2007 To Combat Global Warming, Senators Work to track and Reduce Federal Government Emissions
03/12/2007 Lautenberg Calls on Treasury Dept. to Investigate Whether Halliburton Move Related to Business with Iran
03/01/2007 Senators Lautenberg and Clinton Call for Evaluation of Food Safety System
12/21/2006 Lautenberg Lambastes President Bush's Recess Appointment Of Warren Bell To Corporation For Public Broadcasting Board
09/29/2006 Democrats Call for Formal Investigation of Bush Political Appointees Blocking Legit Science Research on Dangers of Global Warming
09/19/2006 Senate Democrats Call for Senate Hearings on Bush Admin. Hiring of Unqualified, Incompetent Cronies for Vital Positions in Iraq
07/12/2006 Senator Lautenberg: Bush Admin. Decision to End Halliburton Contract '$15 Billion Too Late'
06/07/2006 Lautenberg: Republicans Clear Path for Bush Plan to Allow Foreign Control of U.S. Airlines
06/06/2006 Statement by Senator Lautenberg in Support of Renee Bumb to Serve on the U.S. District Court of New Jersey
05/26/2006 Lautenberg, Menendez Applaud Senate Confirmation of Judge Wigenton to District Court
05/26/2006 Government Sponsored Panel Rejects Bush Approach to Chemical Security
05/25/2006 Statement by Senator Lautenberg on the Senate Passage of the Immigration Bill
05/25/2006 Lautenberg Urges Quick FDA Action on Vaccine to Prevent Cervical Cancer
05/24/2006 Lawmakers Introduce Resolution Demanding Justice for Families of Pan Am 103 Victims
05/19/2006 Lautenberg Saves $1.65 Billion in Critical Science Research Funding
05/12/2006 Lawmakers Call on Bush Admin. to Extend Monday Deadline for Medicare Drugs
05/10/2006 Lautenberg Reacts to 'Apology' by HUD Secretary Over Contracting Comments
05/09/2006 Lautenberg Demands Bush Ask for HUD Secretary's Resignation if Comments About Government Contracts are Accurate
04/27/2006 Senator Lautenberg Calls for FEMA to Be Removed from DHS
02/27/2006 Senator Lautenberg Announces Bill Allowing Ports to Terminate Leases Over Security Risks
02/14/2006 Lautenberg: Senate Republicans Endorse Fiscal Recklessness
02/14/2006 Senator Lautenberg Introduces Sweeping Whistleblower Legislation
02/06/2006 New Jersey Senators Take ATF Chief to Task for Spending Millions In Elaborate Spending on Office Furniture While He Considers Cutting 500 Bullet Proof Vests
02/02/2006 Lawmakers Push for Full Disclosure of White House Contacts with Convicted Lobbyist Jack Abramoff
01/30/2006 Statement by Senator Lautenberg on the Nomination of Samuel A. Alito to the Supreme Court
01/25/2006 President Nominates Federal Judges for New Jersey
12/14/2005 Democrats Call for DoJ Investigation into Oil Execs Testimony Before Congress
12/12/2005 Lautenberg: It's Time for President Bush to Take Action Against OPEC
11/23/2005 Lautenberg: GOP Effort to Sheild Oil CEOs Is Wrong on Facts, Wrong on Law
11/16/2005 Big Oil CEOs May Have Made False Statements to Congress About Involvement in Cheney's Secret Energy Panel
11/14/2005 Senators Call on White House Security Chief to Reevaluate Security Clearances by Rove, Others
11/10/2005 In Strange Use of Rarely Used Procedure, Senate Republicans Vote for Lautenberg Security Clearance Amendment Without Having Their Names Recorded
11/09/2005 Lautenberg Slams Bush Over Firing of Amtrak President David Gunn
10/31/2005 Senator Lautenberg's Statement on the Nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to the U.S. Supreme Court
10/27/2005 Statement from Senator Lautenberg on the Scuttled Nomination of Harriet Miers
10/20/2005 Lautenberg, Kerry: Commerce Committee Issues Bipartisan Rebuke of Bush Admin: No More Covert Propaganda
10/18/2005 New Jersey Senators Call on President Bush to Declare Federal Disaster Area in the Wake of Widespread Flooding
10/14/2005 Lautenberg: U.S. Attorney Investigating Payments by Bush Admin. to Journalist Armstrong Williams
10/06/2005 Lawmakers Urge Attorney General to Investigate Possible Criminal Violations Uncovered During Department of Education Propaganda Scandal
10/06/2005 Lautenberg 'Truth in Contracting' Amendment to Defense Appropriations Bill Adopted by Senate
09/30/2005 GAO Blasts Illegal Propaganda Campaign at the U.S. Department of Education
09/30/2005 Lautenberg Offers Senate Resolution Calling on Senate to Condemn Bennett Comments
09/23/2005 Why is White House Hurricane Point Man Karl Rove Heading for North Dakota on the Day Hurricane Rita is Expected to Hit Texas and Louisiana?
09/22/2005 Senate Committee That Hailed 9/11 Commission Kills Lautenberg Amendment to Create Independent "Katrina Commission"
09/06/2005 One Year Anniversary Since GAO Found Former Bush Official Illegally Withheld True Cost of Prescription Drug Bill
08/24/2005 Lautenberg on BRAC Decision to Close Ft. Monmouth: 'How Dare They!'
08/11/2005 During Tour of Aging Passenger Rail Infrastructure, Lautenberg Calls on Congress to Adopt Bi-Partisan Bill to Save Amtrak and Improve NE Corridor Rail Service
07/20/2005 Statement by Senator Lautenberg on the Nomination of John G. Roberts to the Supreme Court
07/13/2005 Lautenberg Introduces Legislation to Protect Americans from Hazardous Chemicals in Consumer Products
07/11/2005 Senator Lautenberg Calls on President to Immediately Suspend Rove's Security Clearance
06/29/2005 Former White House Climate Change Official May Have Violated Federal Law Say Lawmakers
06/23/2005 Lautenberg Slams Karl Rove Over Comments About 9/11
06/16/2005 Bipartisan Group of Lawmakers Call on Congress to Stand Up Against the Liquor Lobby and Hardcore, Repeat Drunk Drivers
06/10/2005 Lautenberg: Republicans Target Elmo and Sesame Street for Destruction
06/08/2005 Lautenberg Says Justice Dept. Tobacco Turnabout "Reeks" of Political Interference
05/24/2005 Lautenberg Statement on Judicial Compromise in Senate
05/19/2005 Lawmakers: Bush Continues to Refuse to Repay Treasury for Illegal Use of Taxpayer Dollars for Fake News Stories
05/13/2005 Lautenberg Calls Pentagon Decision to Close Fort Monmouth 'Serious Mistake'
04/28/2005 Lawmakers Introduce Legislation to Stop Covert Propaganda by the Administration
04/13/2005 Author of 21 Drinking Age Law Sen. Frank Lautenberg Celebrates the 21st. Anniversary of That Important Measure
04/01/2005 Lautenberg Cites Criminal Laws DeLay May Have Broken in Threat Against Federal Judges
03/23/2005 Lawmaker Calls for Congressional Investigation Into "Schiavo Talking Points" Circulated by Republican Leaders
03/23/2005 GAO to Investigate Bush Administration Payments to Columnist Maggie Gallagher
03/10/2005 Lautenberg Named Top Democrat to Global Warming Panel
03/03/2005 Statement from Senator Lautenberg on the Swearing In of Michael Chertoff to Be the Secretary of Homeland Security
02/15/2005 Lautenberg Introduces Legislation to Prevent Partisan Activity By Election Officials
02/10/2005 Lautenberg Requests All Documents From White House Relating to Discredited "Journalist" James D. Guckert, A.K.A. Jeff Gannon
01/12/2005 Lautenberg and Reid Ask President Bush to Remove Armstrong Wiliams from White House Commission
01/10/2005 Senator Lautenberg Calls on Halliburton to Rescind New Business Deal with Iran
01/10/2005 Lawmakers Request GAO Investigate Payments by Bush Education Dept. to Conservative Commentator Armstrong Williams
01/06/2005 In Response to Serious Concerns Over Presidential Vote in Ohio, Lautenberg Announces Measure to Prevent Partisan Activity By Election Officials
01/06/2005 In Response to Serious Concerns Over Presidential Vote in Ohio, Lautenberg Announces Measure to Prevent Partisan Activity by Election Officials
01/06/2005 In Response to Serious Concerns Over Presidential Vote in Ohio, Lautenberg Announces Measure to Prevent Partisan Activity by Election Officials
12/22/2004 Lautenberg Demands Investigation by USDA Into Allegations of Lax Beef Inspections at U.S. Facilities
12/10/2004 Senator Lautenberg Calls on President Bush to Fire Secretary Rumsfeld in Light of "Dismissive" Remarks to Troops
11/30/2004 Lautenberg to Introduce Legislation to Phase Out Liability Limits for Single Hull Vessels Responsible for Oil Spills
11/16/2004 Senator Lautenberg Blasts EPA Report Citing Progress Over Superfund Cleanups by Bush Administration
11/05/2004 Senator Lautenberg Calls on DC Air National Guard to Suspend All Training Operations in New Jersey
10/19/2004 Lawmakers Angered Over Top Bush Trade Rep's Refusal to Answer Questions About Admin. Relationship with Chemical Industry
10/14/2004 Lautenberg and Kennedy Call on GAO to Determine Whether Education Dept. Violated Federal Laws by Commissioning Political Propaganda Study
09/21/2004 Lautenberg Amendment Would Create Fixed Term for National Intelligence Director
09/07/2004 GAO Finds Bush Medicare Official Illegally Withheld Information from Congress
08/12/2004 Senator Lautenberg Reacts to Resignation of Governor James E. McGreevey
08/12/2004 Lautenberg Reacts to Cheney Comments on Senator Kerry
08/03/2004 Lautenberg Says President Resisting 9-11 Commission Recommendations
07/27/2004 Senator Lautenberg Appalled by Findings of Sierra Club Report on Bush Administration's Failure to Contain Dangerous Superfund Sites
07/27/2004 Should the Bin Laden Family Have Been Allowed to Flee the U.S. One Week After 9-11?
07/23/2004 Lautenberg, Schumer: Why Was a Charter Plane Also Rented by White House Used to Fly Bin Laden Family Out of USA After 9/11?
07/22/2004 Statement from Senator Lautenberg on 9-11 Commission's Final Report
07/21/2004 Senator Lautenberg Releases Passenger Manifest of ' Bin Laden Family Airlift' Out of U.S. One Week After 9/11 Attack
07/15/2004 New Jersey's Senators Call on President Bush to Quickly Declare 'Disaster Area' to Region Hit Hard by Storms
06/17/2004 Lautenberg to Attorney General: Special Counsel Needed to Investigate Possible Illegal Actions by VP Cheney's Office and Pentagon Over No-Bid Contract to Halliburton
06/01/2004 In Light of DoD Email Revealing VP Coordination of Halliburton No-Bid Contract, Lautenberg Calls on Gov't Affairs Chair Collins to Issue Subpoenas
05/05/2004 Senator Lautenberg Announces the Hiring of Noreen Giblin as State Director
04/14/2004 Senator Lautenberg Reacts to Remarks Made by President Bush at Last Night's News Conference
03/31/2004 Senator Lautenberg Calls on Treasury Dept. Inspector General to Launch Investigation into Possible Violations of Law
03/30/2004 Senator Lautenberg Releases 'Medigate' Report Highlighting Scandals and Misconduct Around New Medicare Law
03/26/2004 Senator Lautenberg: Refusal By National Security Advisor Rice to Come Before 9-11 Commission Under Oath Raises Serious Questions of Credibility
03/24/2004 Senators Lautenberg, Stabenow, Kennedy and Clinton Allege Potential Criminal Violations in Foster-Medicare Case
03/22/2004 Senator Lautenberg Joins Colleagues Calling for National Security Advisor Rice to Testify in Front of 9/11 Commission
03/18/2004 Lautenberg, Daschle and Kennedy Call on GAO to Report on Legal Violations By Admin. Officials in Muzzling Medicare Actuary
03/11/2004 Senator Lautenberg Calls on Bush Administration for an Honest Accounting of Iraq Reconstruction Costs
03/10/2004 GAO Report Criticizes HHS Medicare Flyer and Ads, Citing "Omissions," and Material That "Overstates" Rx Benefit and Has "Political Tone"
03/08/2004 Senators Lautenberg and Kennedy Question HHS Decision to Send Out $10 Million Medicare Flyer While Federal Inquiry Into It's Legality is Ongoing
02/24/2004 Senator Lautenberg Blasts Republicans as "Chicken Hawks"
02/24/2004 Senator Lautenberg Blasts Republicans as "Chicken Hawks"
01/30/2004 Senator Lautenberg to Push Legislation to Extend 9-11 Commission Deadline
01/23/2004 Senator Lautenberg Calls for ALL Halliburton Contracts to Be Rescinded
01/16/2004 Senator Lautenberg Outraged Over Bush Appointment of Charles Pickering to Federal Bench One Day After President Lays Wreathe at Martin Luther King's Grave
11/25/2003 Republicans Block Lautenberg Attempt to Extend Filing Deadline for Victims Compensation Fund for 9-11 Families
11/13/2003 Lautenberg: Republican Talkfest Over Bush Judicial Nominees Costs Taxpayers Over $81 Thousand an Hour
06/10/2003 Lautenberg Congratulates Michael Chertoff as Senate Confirms his Nomination to Federal Bench
05/07/2003 Lautenberg Delivered the Following Remarks in Support of President Bush's Nomination of Michael Certoff to the Federal Bench
02/27/2003 Statement by Senator Frank R. Lautenberg on President's Nomination of Miguel Estrada for U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
02/13/2003 Floor Statement by Senator Lautenberg on President's Nomination of Federal Circuit Court of Appeals
01/28/2003 Statement from Senator Frank Lautenberg
01/28/2003 Statement from Senator Frank Lautenberg
01/14/2003 Lautenberg Secures Slots on Two Key Committees Vital to New Jersey and Nation
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