As House supports Gulf funding, Welch reiterates call for BP to put response before profits PDF Print
Thursday, 10 June 2010 15:45

As the U.S. House voted Thursday to allow emergency response officials to obtain advances from the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund, Rep. Peter Welch (D-Vt.) called on BP to ensure it has the resources to repay the fund.

"Today's vote will allow emergency officials to continue responding to this devastating catastrophe. Now our job is to make sure BP repays the fund, cleans up the spill and makes whole those whose lives and livelihoods have been so severely impacted," Welch said. "That's why BP must put aside concerns over profit and image until it demonstrates to the American public that it has the resources and the commitment to right its wrongs."

On Wednesday, Welch wrote BP CEO Tony Hayward to demand that the company halt dividend payments and public relations campaigns until it puts an end to the ongoing environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Forty-nine members of Congress signed Welch's letter.

Thursday's vote on S. 3473 responds to concerns expressed by the Department of Homeland Security that the emergency fund could run out of money within the next two weeks. The House vote would allow the Coast Guard to temporarily draw down funds for emergency response activities. BP will be required to repay the trust fund for all funds used to respond to the spill.

Click here for more on Welch's letter to BP and watch the video from Wednesday's press conference below.

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