July 28, 2011

Washington, D.C. - Representative David Price spoke during House consideration of the Boehner Debt Plan this afternoon, calling on Republicans to put an end to the unprecedented, unnecessary and politically motivated crises that have dominated the Congress and hurt the national economy. The text of Rep. Price's remarks is below.

Video of Rep. Price's remarks:

"Since my colleagues on the other side of the aisle assumed the majority in January, we have swung from one artificially-created crisis to the next.

"In the Spring, we barely dodged a government shutdown. Now, we face an unprecedented and unnecessary crisis over raising the debt ceiling, an event that has occurred more than 70 times since 1964. And we are already hearing rumblings of another potential shutdown in October, the end of the current fiscal year.

"Mr. Speaker, the most baffling part about the legislation before us today is that it would require us to have this debate all over again in just a few months.

"Time and time again, I've heard my Republican colleagues say that private capital has not found its way back into the market because of economic uncertainty. Surely, the majority cannot believe that going through this debate again in six months would do anything to increase market stability and reduce uncertainty.

"Mr. Speaker, lurching from one politically motivated calamity to the next is doing our economy and our country great harm. We need a bill that addresses this issue for the long term, not one that will require us to repeat this madness in a matter of weeks.

"It is past time for the majority to bring such a bill to this floor, so that we can focus on bringing jobs back and building our economy for the long haul."

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