September 11, 2010

Washington, D.C. - Today, Rep. David Price (D-NC) issued the following statement marking the ninth anniversary of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. President Obama declared September 11, 2010 a National Day of Service earlier this year.

"All of us remember where we were when tragedy struck on September 11th, 2001. That day is a shared experience that has profoundly influenced our lives and has shaped our nation in many ways.

"For me, it has meant a challenging and unanticipated role in Congress as Chairman of the Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee. Our committee oversees funding for the Department of Homeland Security – a department that would not have been created were it not for 9/11.

"This experience has exposed me to countless dedicated public servants who defend our country from threats on a daily basis. It is because of these committed individuals that we've been able to fill the most glaring of the gaps exposed by the 9/11 attacks and to ensure that our ability to deal with natural disasters is strengthened as well. However, the job is never done, and we must make sure that our homeland security professionals have the resources and intelligence they need to best prevent, prepare and respond. On this day every year we pay tribute to their service and look back nine years to remember the very sobering reason that we rely on their good work.

"We also use this day, the National Day of Service, to highlight the spirit of unity and service that was so evident following the terrorist attacks. I was privileged to spend some time with a dedicated group of volunteers at the Food Bank in Durham. Community service embodies something fundamental to the American character: we recognize that we are better unified than divided. In times of national tragedy, or times of great need, we come together to solve seemingly intractable problems. It is in that spirit that I wholeheartedly commend the men and women who keep us safe and the citizens who show their patriotism and serve the country by serving one another."

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