March 15, 2010

Washington, D.C. - Flanked by constituents who favor comprehensive health insurance reform, Representative David Price (D-NC) today announced his support for the legislation that will come before the House of Representatives later this week. Rep. Price is the first member of congress from North Carolina to announce that he will back the legislation, lending more momentum to one of President Barack Obama's top initiatives.

Rep. Price's endorsement of the bill comes as House leadership is signaling that Congress will stay in session into the weekend to deliver a comprehensive health insurance reform package to the President's desk. Last week, President Obama delayed a scheduled trip to Asia to aid the final push for reform. Later today he will continue the White House's advocacy for the legislation at a rally in Ohio.

At the press conference, Rep. Price was joined by three local constituents who spoke about the importance of health insurance reform legislation to them. They included:

• David Swanson – Mr. Swanson, an independent investment advisor who lives in Durham, spoke about his frustration with increased premiums. This year, the premium for Mr. Swanson's 15-year-old son rose 11%, while the premium for his 17 year-old daughter rose 54%. (Article)

• Blake Anderson – Mr. Anderson is a small business owner with four employees. He is currently unable to offer his employees health insurance coverage, or pay for his own insurance on the private market, but he does have access to insurance through his wife's employer. Mr. Anderson has a pre-existing condition and previously experienced medical problems at a time when he did not have coverage. Mr. Anderson believes lack of access is a major impediment to small business growth in North Carolina.

• Libbie Hough – Mrs. Hough is the mother of 18-year-old Natalie Hough. On Sept. 30, Natalie, a student at Cedar Ridge High School, suffered a heart attack. Two teachers who had just received emergency training performed CPR and used a defibrillator before EMTs arrived. Natalie will be attending college in the fall and her mother worries that her daughter will not be able to get insurance coverage in the future. (Article)

The reform legislation would end the insurance industry's practice of denying care because of pre-existing conditions, ban the imposition of lifetime limits for care, create oversight for insurance rate increases and allow children to remain on their parents' insurance plan until they turn 26. The legislation strengthens the existing system of employer-based health insurance with the goal of ensuring stable coverage, affordable premiums and copayments, and quality care for all Americans. The bill also reduces the deficit. Rep. Price believes health insurance reform is an essential investment both in the American people, and in our nation's long-term fiscal and economic well-being.

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