November 17, 2009

Washington, D.C. - Representative David Price (NC-04) has returned from leading a congressional delegation to Lebanon, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Price led the delegation in his capacity as Chairman of the House Democracy Partnership (HDP), a bipartisan commission that works with 14 partner countries around the world to strengthen and consolidate democratic institutions.

In Lebanon, Rep. Price's delegation met with senior officials including President Michel Suleiman, Prime Minister Sa'ad Hariri, and Speaker Nabih Berri to congratulate them on the successful formation of a new government following five months of political stalemate. The delegation also held several workshops with members of parliament as part of HDP's three-year-old partnership with the Lebanese National Assembly.

In Pakistan, the delegation conducted a broad range of meetings with members of the Pakistan National Assembly to discuss the current challenges facing Pakistan and reaffirm the U.S. commitment to a constructive bilateral relationship. The delegation also met with Prime Minister Yousaf Gilani and leaders of Pakistan's majority and opposition political parties.

In Afghanistan, the delegation met with senior U.S. and Afghan government officials including Ambassador Karl Eikenberry, General Stanley McChrystal, President Hamid Karzai, and Dr. Abdullah Abdullah to discuss the challenges facing Afghanistan and President Obama's ongoing strategic review. The delegation also held several roundtables with members of the Afghan National Assembly as part of HDP's three-year-old partnership, met with U.N. officials about the recent presidential election, and had breakfast with American troops serving in Afghanistan, including several from North Carolina.

Rep. Price is available for interviews about his trip by request (Contact: Andrew High, 202-225-1784 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ).

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