December 07, 2007

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Rep. David Price (D-NC) will host a workshop Monday to inform Triangle-area nonprofits and religious organizations of the funding opportunities available to them through the federal government and private foundations. Over one hundred representatives from organizations in the area are planning to attend the event at North Carolina Central University.

"The purpose of the event is to help local organizations to navigate the federal bureaucracy and to access resources that may be available to the nonprofit community," Price said. "The myriad programs scattered across the government can appear pretty daunting to the average nonprofit, so I hope my office can provide some clarity to the application process."

The workshop will feature representatives from various federal government agencies, as well as presentations from local foundations and NC Central's Office of Sponsored Research. In addition to providing a broad overview of the existing programs that support nonprofit work, the workshop will assist attendees in understanding the proposal development and submission process. It will be held at the H.M. Michaux School of Education on the campus of NC Central and will last from 9 am to 2 pm. Price will welcome the attendees with remarks at 9:15.

According to the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits, North Carolina has 8,966 nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations. Durham, Wake, Orange and Chatham Counties have a combined total of 1,850 nonprofit organizations.

Nonprofits play a critical role in delivering services to all communities, and many activities of nonprofits are eligible for federal funding through grant programs. Annually, nearly $400 billion is distributed to support the work of eligible nonprofit organizations through these programs. Many more funding opportunities are available through private foundations.

"The Fourth Congressional District has wonderful nonprofits doing incredible work in this community, across the state, and even across the globe," Price said. "The spirit of community service is alive and well in the Triangle, and we hope to foster that spirit in any way we can."

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