To the Editor: On Congressional Ethics Reform (Published March 18, 2006 in the Raleigh News and Observer) PDF Print E-mail
March 18, 2006

Washington, D.C. - To the Editor:

I applaud your call for Congress to get serious about ethics reform. In January, I joined with three colleagues to introduce House Resolution 659, a reform package that addresses the two specific abuses you mentioned:

1. When Members of Congress fly on corporate jets, our legislation would require FULL-VALUE reimbursement and disclosure of the name of the aircraft's owner, the names of any other people on the flight, and the reason a commercial flight was not used.

2. When Members of Congress attend a conference or other event, our legislation would prevent them from accepting free travel and lodging if the sponsoring organization conducts lobbying activities, employs registered lobbyists or invites lobbyists to attend.

Our reform legislation would also address many abuses in the way the House of Representatives conducts its business — ending extended roll call votes, requiring House-Senate conference committees to actually meet and vote, and ensuring that members have time to read and understand what they're voting on.

Our reform package now has 132 cosponsors. We are urging the Republican leadership to give it serious and expedited consideration.

David Price

U.S. House of Representatives


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