Business Poll: Price, Dole most effective Triangle delegates PDF Print E-mail
February 02, 2006

Washington, D.C. - The Triangle Business Journal conducted a non-scientific poll from Jan. 25 through Jan. 31 to help determine who, among the region's Congressional delegates, is the most effective.

Our readers were asked, "Who do you think is the most effective North Carolina congressional delegate serving the Triangle?"

Out of 188 total responses, just two votes separated the top two elected officials. With 49 votes, or 26 percent of the total, Rep. David Price, a Democrat for the 4th District, ranked first in the poll. Sen. Elizabeth Dole, a Republican, tallied 47 votes, or 25 percent.

Sen. Richard Burr, also a Republican, accumulated 20 percent of the total, or 38 votes, followed by Rep. Brad Miller, a Democrat from District 13, with 14 votes or 8 percent. Democrat Bob Etheridge, a representative from District 2, received 12 votes or 6 percent.

Fourteen percent of respondents, or 28 voters, decided not to vote for any of the Triangle delegates and selected "None of the above" instead.

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