News 14: "Organization Recognizes Congressman for Supporting Blind" PDF Print E-mail
November 28, 2005

Raleigh, NC - In the United States, blind people have a very tough time finding jobs. In fact 70-percent are unemployed.

Monday, the Raleigh Lions Clinic for the Blind recognized one man they said is making a difference, that's Congressman David Price.

Congressman Price has championed the Javits-Wagner-O'Day Program, a government-based program that awards government contracts to companies that employ blind people.

Kellie Hightower-Spruill said things like this program are nice because those companies involved really understand the needs of the visually impaired.

"There's a lot of opportunity within these agencies to work in the wider spectrum of the business world. And because these agencies are devoted to hiring individuals that are blind or visually impaired, they understand the accommodations needed and the technology needed in order to help us be successful."

The National Industries for the Blind was also represented Monday. The non-profit and its 80 associated agencies currently employ about 5,000 people.

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