Senator Joe Manchin

Senator Joe Manchin


I proudly serve the people of West Virginia. Please do not hesitate to contact me to share your commonsense ideas, concerns or if you need assistance.

Twiitit Kaikki / Ei vastauksia

Truly appreciate the great ?s from juniors/seniors @ Mingo Co Central HS. Getting involved @ this age shows leadership from entire community

Looking forward to Skyping with Mingo Central High School this AM. This is a great way to stay in touch when I'm unable to visit in person

Public service is abt reaching out to WVians & hearing their concerns, commonsense ideas. Plz join me at "Wednesday Wake-Up with Joe" 12/12.

Every Wednesday I look forward to meeting w WVians & discussing important issues while we drink coffee & eat pastries. Join me 12/12 @ 10am

It’s a special time of year & today I'm happy to share my blessings w some of the families & children around by donating 2 Toys for Tots

Happy National Miners Day. I offer my sincere thx to all miners who’ve done the heavy lifting that has built our nation & kept the lights on

Looking forward to talking to at 11am on the fiscal cliff & how we can move this country forward in the coming weeks/months

One week from today I'm hosting my final "Wednesday Wake-Up w Joe" event b4 the new year. Join us in my DC office @ 10am 4 coffee & pastries

My message to MTV is this: One day this could be your kids, and I hope you put a stop to such an inaccurate and despicable portrayal.

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