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Education & Labor Committee Republicans

  • ICYMI: Better health care approach needed
    Feb 22, 2012  - By Reps. Phil Roe(R-TN) and Mike Kelly (R-PA) A recent survey by Gallup, Inc., asked a number of small business owners why they were not looking to hire new workers. While the vast majority expressed worries about the state of the economy and a lack of sales, our leading job creators highlighted tw... More
  • ICYMI: ObamaCare Goes to Court
    Nov 15, 2011  - Yesterday, the United States Supreme Court announced it would consider several legal challenges to the 2010 health care law. Following the Supreme Court’s announcement, House Committee on Education and the Workforce Chairman John Kline stated, “I hope the Supreme Court ultimately recognizes ObamaCar... More
  • ICYMI: Health care law has consequences, Federal takeover will hurt
    Jun 16, 2011  - By Drs. Phil Roe (R-TN) and Larry Bucshon (R-IN) As doctors, we've seen personally how the rising costs of health care can place even greater strain on individuals, families and employers. Year after year the cost of care goes up, leading some patients to neglect the treatments or care they need si... More
  • While you were out…
    Sep 13, 2010  - Congress may not have been in session these last several weeks, but plenty has been happening in Washington and around the nation. Below is a brief recap of notable education and labor news – what you might have missed and what is worth watching in the waning days of the congressional session. Commo... More
  • ObamaCare and College Students
    Aug 26, 2010  - Here is something college students probably didn’t want to learn on their way back to school: thanks to ObamaCare, many may soon lose their school-sponsored health care plan. An editorial from the Wall Street Journal provides the details on why some college students risk losing their current health ... More
  • Columbus Dispatch on ObamaCare Stifling Job Creation
    Jun 7, 2010  - The New York Times reports this morning the Obama administration, facing “deep skepticism” over its government takeover of health care, is “orchestrating an elaborate campaign to sell the public on the law.” Meanwhile, the public continues to learn about and oppose ObamaCare with its higher costs, j... More
  • Health Care & the Democrats’ Fuzzy Math: Spend More to Save?
    Jun 8, 2009  - America’s health care system is broken. Americans are generally happy with their doctors, but they know that health care costs too much. And far too many Americans have no health care coverage at all. Unfortunately, the Democrats’ solution to the health care cost crisis is to dramatically inflate fe... More
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