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Congressmen Patrick Meehan Holds Transportation and Infrastructure Listening Session

King of Prussia, PA – U.S. Congressman Patrick Meehan (PA-07), member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, today hosted a listening session to gather information as the Committee prepares to write the next multi-year surface transportation bill. 

Congressman Meehan was joined by Congressman John Mica (FL-07), Chairman of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and Congressman Bill Shuster (PA-09), Chairman of the Transportation Subcommittee on Rails, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials.  State and local officials and area stakeholders also joined the discussion and provided their input for improving transportation in the region.

“I appreciate Chairman Mica and Congressman Shuster for joining us today for this important conversation about the transportation needs of our region,” said Congressman Meehan.  “I am also grateful for the participation of our panelists, who bring their expertise and years of experience to the table.  I look forward to building on today’s discussion as we continue to work towards improving our region’s transportation systems.”
