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Congressman Patrick Meehan Presses EPA for Answers on Jobs and Regulations

Washington, D.C.U.S. Congressman Patrick Meehan (PA-07) today sent a letter to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa Jackson following up on testimony during a recent hearing of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee in which she was questioned about whether the loss or creation of jobs is part of an economic analysis preceding new regulations.

“I have some very serious concerns about EPA regulations that are directly impacting two major employers in my district,” said Congressman Meehan.  “I was disappointed in Administrator Jackson’s response to my question about whether the loss or creation of jobs is taken into consideration when developing regulations. I am following up with this letter in the hope that my questions will get answered.  ” 

During last week’s hearing, Congressman Meehan asked Administrator Jackson about the regulatory impediments threatening nearly 7,000 jobs at or around oil refineries in the 7th Congressional District.  Click here to watch Congressman Meehan’s questioning of Administrator Jackson at the Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing.

“At one particular refinery in my district, the EPA has directed that the state agency require the installment of a new water cooling tower and a closed cycle cooling system at an estimated cost to the refinery of $350 million,” Congressman Meehan stated in the letter. “The purported basis is that water is two degrees warmer upon discharge. I support responsible efforts to promote the vitality of our air and water supply; in fact, I am proud to have fought to promote those objectives as a former federal prosecutor working alongside the EPA. There is, however, a balance which must be struck between responsible stewardship and over-regulation. I am terribly concerned that hosts of new regulations at the refineries in my district may be out of balance. The end result may be that arduous regulation comes with such cost that the operations cannot compete economically. Such a result would be catastrophic to my district and the families who rely on the more than 7,000 jobs the industry supports locally.” 

Click here to read the full text of the letter.
