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Meehan Honored by Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association

Meehan receives “Award of Excellence” for work to support law enforcement

PHILADELPHIA – Today at a meeting of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Police Chiefs, U.S. Rep. Patrick Meehan (PA-07) was presented with the Award of Excellence from the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association and the Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network (MAGLOCLEN). Meehan was recognized for his “extraordinary commitment to and support of the law enforcement profession in Pennsylvania.”

“As a former U.S. Attorney and District Attorney, I have had the privilege of serving alongside our law enforcement officials,” said Meehan. “They are truly the best of the best and risk their lives every day to keep our communities safe. It is an honor for me to accept this award and I will continue fighting to stand up for our local law enforcement.”

“The Award of Excellence was presented to Congressman Meehan by The Police Chiefs Association of Southeastern Pennsylvania on behalf of the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association in grateful recognition of his outstanding efforts on behalf of law enforcement,” said Springfield Chief Joe Daly. “His efforts not only benefitted Pennsylvania Police Departments but every Police Department in the Country. His steadfast commitment to the law enforcement and the security of the Country are deeply appreciated and we are grateful for his unwavering leadership.”

Throughout his time in Congress, Meehan has advocated for law enforcement and championed legislation to support the law enforcement community. Meehan helped pass H.R. 365 the National Blue Alert Act which helps establish a Blue Alert communications network when a law enforcement officer is injured or killed in the line of duty. Meehan also helped pass H.R. 1254, the Synthetic Drug Control Act last year. The bill bans chemical compounds used in synthetic drugs commonly sold as ‘Bath Salts’, which have been identified as cocaine substitutes. Meehan also introduced legislation that was signed into law in September that increases penalties for trafficking counterfeit drugs. Additionally, Meehan led the fight to restore COPS (Office of Community Oriented Policing Services) grant funding and RISS (Regional Information Sharing System) funding. RISS is a proven, trusted, and cost-effective program that local law enforcement has stated they rely on. RISS helps law enforcement share timely information to combat crimes and protects our officers in the field.
