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Congressman Meehan Discusses Efforts to Relieve Pain at the Pump

Springfield, PAU.S. Congressman Patrick Meehan (PA-07) today visited the Gulf Service Station in Springfield. Meehan talked with constituents, listened to their concerns, and discussed legislative efforts to address the rising cost of gas and the comprehensive approach that he supports to help bring those costs down.

“With the average price of gas in our region at nearly $4 a gallon, it is clear that we are all feeling the pain at the pump,” said Congressman Meehan. “Just yesterday, I voted in support of legislation expanding American energy production. But that is only one part of addressing this problem. I support a comprehensive approach that includes finding more alternatives sources of energy and putting an end to government policies that are driving up gas prices. I will continue to work with my colleagues to help develop a comprehensive approach for energy independence and a cleaner, brighter future.”

On Thursday, the House approved H.R. 1230, a bill that expands American energy production, creates jobs and generates revenue for taxpayers. The bill requires the Department of the Interior to auction offshore oil and gas leases in the Central and Western Gulf of Mexico, as well as in an area off the coast of Virginia. 

Congressman Meehan is a cosponsor of H.R. 909, the Roadmap for America’s Energy Future. The bill is a comprehensive national energy strategy that would increase the domestic supply of energy, triple our nation’s nuclear energy capacity, and establish a renewable energy trust fund to spur deployment of affordable alternatives financed by the revenue generated by new fossil fuel development and not the American taxpayer.

Congressman Meehan is also a cosponsor of H.R. 1380, the New Alternative Transportation to Give America Solutions Act of 2011 (NAT GAS Act). The bill aims to reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil by incentivizing the natural gas vehicle market. Natural gas is a cleaner, cheaper, more abundant alternative to foreign oil. The NAT GAS Act has bipartisan support in Congress.
