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In Visit to Middle East, Meehan to Examine Threat from Iran

Counterterrorism and Intelligence Subcommittee Chairman Joins Bipartisan Delegation to Region

SPRINGFIELD, PA – U.S. Rep. Patrick Meehan (PA-07) will travel to the Middle East next week on a bipartisan Congressional Delegation to examine the Iranian threat to U.S., Israeli, and regional security.

“An Iranian nuclear weapon is a threat to the U.S. and to our allies in the Middle East and around the world,” Meehan said. “I look forward to speaking directly with allied leaders about the Iranian threat, and how we can continue working together to foster peace and security in the region and around the world.”

As Chairman of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence, Meehan has focused on the multitude of threats to the homeland, including from the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism, Iran.
