Congressman Pete King


During my nineteen years in Congress, I have been a staunch defender of the State of Israel. I oppose any and all attempts by the Palestinians to circumvent the peace process or to pressure Israel into making concessions that would jeopardize its security. Peace can only be achieved through direct, bilateral negotiations.

As unrest spreads through the Middle East, it is essential that we stand with Israel, our only true democratic ally in the region. That is why I have strongly opposed the Obama Administration’s attempt to suggest a moral equivalency between Israel and its enemies. Please be assured that I will remain vigilant in monitoring the various regime changes in the Middle East and their impact on Israel and strongly believe that Iran cannot be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons.

The most significant threat facing Israel today is the prospect of a nuclear armed Iran. President Ahmadinejad has repeatedly called for Israel to be wiped off the map and the Jewish State cannot take any chances with its security. The United States must work with Israel and our allies around the world to thwart Iran’s dangerous ambitions. All options should remain on the table.

It is essential that the United States provide Israel with the tools it needs to defend itself and maintain its Qualitative Military Edge (QME) over its adversaries. Consistent with the 2008 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), I am supporting $3.1 billion in security assistance to Israel for FY 2013. I have also been a strong supporter of Israel’s various Missile Defense Systems. I am a cosponsor of H.R. 4229, The Iron Dome Support Act, which authorizes further assistance to Israel for the Iron Dome anti-missile defense system.

I have also endorsed these items:

  • H.R. 4133—United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act—This legislation reaffirms the United States’ commitment to providing Israel with the tools it needs to defend itself and to preserve its qualitative military edge (QME). It also includes measures to strengthen collaboration on missile defense, cyber-security, intelligence and homeland security.
  • H.R. 1905- This bill strengthens existing U.S. sanctions against Iran and requires that they be fully and effectively implemented to compel the Iranian regime to end its illicit activities.
  • H. Res. 268—This legislation reaffirms the United States' commitment to a negotiated settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through direct Israeli-Palestinian negotiations
  • H. Con. Res. 59—This bill declares that it is the policy of the United States to support and facilitate Israel in maintaining defensible borders and that it is contrary to United States policy and national security to have the borders of Israel return to the armistice lines that existed on June 4, 1967
  • On 4/26/12, I cosigned a letter to President Obama regarding leaks of sensitive information about possible Israeli attacks on Iran’s nuclear facilities
  • On 3/1/12, I cosigned a letter to Attorney General Holder requesting the extradition of Palestinian terrorists who have maimed or killed American Citizens
  • On 1/26/12, I cosigned a letter to President Obama requesting the enforcement of Iran sanctions laws passed by Congress
  • On 9/22/11, I cosigned letters to foreign leaders requesting they oppose Palestinian efforts to unilaterally declare statehood at the United Nations
  • On 9/9/11, I wrote to Secretary Clinton urging the United States to veto the Palestinian statehood resolution at the United Nations Security Council
  • On 3/17/11, I cosigned a letter to Secretary Clinton urging Egypt to uphold its commitments to Israel and the United States
  • On 2/18/11, I wrote to Secretary Clinton encouraging the United States to veto a resolution condemning Israeli Settlement in the United Nations Security Council
  • On 2/10/11 I cosigned a letter to Secretary Clinton urging the administration to emphasize the importance of Egypt’s peace treaty with Israel