
Overwhelming Majority Of Americans Support Clean Air, Not GOP’s ‘So Be It’ Hot Air Approach

Posted on by Karina

According to a new bipartisan survey, Americans favor the EPA updating air pollution limits by a 43-point margin – counter to the actions taken by House Republicans last week in which they passed a number of amendments to weaken Clean Air standards endangering the health of Americans. From the poll:

69 percent of Americans say they favor the EPA updating standards with stricter limits on air pollution. 26 percent oppose – a 43 point difference.

68 percent believe Congress should NOT stop the EPA from updating these standards. 28 percent say Congress should stop the EPA – a 39 point difference.

79 percent support stricter limits on the amount of Mercury that power plants and other industrial facilities can release. 18 percent oppose – a 61 point difference.

77 percent favor stricter limits on the amount of smog that power plants, oil refineries and other industrial facilities can release. 21 percent oppose – a 56 point difference.

77 percent favor stricter limits on the amount of carbon dioxide that power plants and other industrial facilities can release. 21 percent oppose – a 56 point difference.

The GOP’s ‘So Be It’ spending bill decimates America’s commitment to clean air and water, energy efficiency and innovation. This Republican approach is out-of-touch with the American people, puts our families and businesses at risk, and stymies U.S. competitiveness in the world economy.

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