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Rural Security

More than 60 million inhabitants of the United States are rural Americans. Roughly 40 percent of Nebraskans, nearly 800,000 people, reside in rural areas, on farms and ranches, in towns and communities, along major highways or dusty country roads, surrounded by green fields or the vast Sand Hills.

We must work to maintain the security of rural America, preserving its vitality, diverse culture, economic opportunity, health services, agriculture production and ties to the outside world. We also must shield rural America from the impact of weather disasters and the possibility of agri-terrorism, while seeking new opportunities in energy production, trade and conservation.

Maintaining rural security in Nebraska and across our nation helps preserve the American way of life and the democratic freedoms upon which it was founded.

Agriculture, Farmers & Ranchers  Agriculture, Farmers & Ranchers

Banking Banking

Drought Drought

Energy Energy

Ethanol Ethanol

Rural Air Service Rural Air Service

Rural Health Care Rural Health Care

Seniors Health Seniors Health

Sportsmens Caucus Sportsmens Caucus

Trade Trade

Transportation & Infrastructure Transportation & Infrastructure