

Jobs Legislation Tracker
Republican Plan for Jobs
Our Plan vs. the President's
One More Job Initiative
Getting Americans back to work is my top priority in the 112th Congress. With rising unemployment, people are rightfully asking the question: where are the jobs? California’s unemployment rate continues to be well over 11 percent, and nationally unemployment has been at or above 8 percent for 38 consecutive months- the longest such stretch of unemployment since the Great Depression. I am fighting to bring jobs back to the people of California's 25th district.  

In the 112th Congress I Have...
Voted in favor of over 27 job creating bills in the House

Voted in favor of the bipartisan JOBS Act, which was signed into law on April 3, 2012. The JOBS Act is a package of bipartisan proposals that remove government barriers preventing small businesses and startups from growing and creating new jobs. It will open up capital for consumers and banks, so that businesses can flourish and hire more workers.

Voted to pass a budget that would scrap the tax loopholes, end the special interest taxpayer subsidies and put an end to government bailouts.
  • The Republican budget promotes job creation and certainty by preventing the President’s tax $2 trillion in tax increases.
  • The Republican budget helps create jobs and provide stability by tax code reform that caps the top rate for individuals and job creators at 25 percent. 
  • The Republican budget removes new job-destroying regulations from the government takeover of healthcare and reevaluates the Democrats’ financial overhaul, which if left untouched would create new costs for employers, destroy jobs and make Wall Street bailouts more likely. 
  • The Republican budget stops spending money we don’t have by cutting trillions of dollars in spending from the president’s budget. 
  • The Republican budget puts the budget on a path to balance and pays off our job-destroying national debt and reduces our interest payments to creditors such as China. 
Committed to the Pledge to America, the governing agenda focused on removing government barriers to private-sector job creation, and our expanded jobs agenda, a Plan for America’s Job Creators. House Republicans have passed dozens of bipartisan jobs bills that would provide relief from record amounts of red tape. Highlights include the REINS Act, repeal of President Obama’s federal takeover of healthcare law, and the Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act. The Wall Street Journal called our efforts, “the largest overhaul of the rule-making process and larger administrative state since Ronald Reagan, and perhaps longer.” Click here to see a list of the House-passed jobs bills.

Fought for lower gas prices and energy independence with an “all of the above” energy policy. In the 112th Congress, the House approved legislation to expand offshore energy production, open Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) for oil and natural gas production, encourage the development of 1.5 trillion barrels of oil shale in the Rocky Mountain West, and approve the Keystone XL pipeline project. The American Energy Initiative is an ongoing effort by House Republicans to address rising gasoline prices and expand American energy production. As the president continues to pursue counter-productive policies that harm consumers and discourage the production of American energy, House Republicans are committed to finding sensible solutions to families’ rapidly rising energy costs and putting Americans back to work.

Sponsored Legislation & Initiatives
  • Introduced the Workforce Investment Improvement Act, a bill to strengthen job training opportunities for workers and job seekers. This legislation renews workforce development programs under the Workforce Investment Act, a law that has not been reauthorized by Congress since 1998.
  • Created a One More Job initiative to get people in the 25th district working again. 
  • Introduced H.R. 3662, A Down Payment to Protect National Security Act of 2011. If passed and enacted into law, HR 3662 would prevent a further round of cuts, beyond the $488 billion already announced by the President, from hitting our military as a result of sequestration and is fully offset. This would protect thousands of jobs that will be affected by sequestration.