
Hearing on Jobs Now: Protecting the Taxpayer & Securing Our Energy Future

Posted on by Karina

Leader Pelosi and the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee are holding a hearing today on creating jobs now in America, protecting the taxpayer, and securing our energy future. The hearing will emphasize actions the 112th Congress should take to create jobs, bolster the middle class, and strengthen our economy through innovation and new clean energy technologies. Leader Pelosi on the hearing:

Democrats in Congress are focused on America’s top priority: creating jobs. By investing in innovation, clean energy, and new technology, we can strengthen our future, put Americans back to work, preserve our national security, and ensure our country’s competitiveness in the global economy for generations to come.

Hearing details:

Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi
Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, Co-Chair, Democratic Steering & Policy Committee
Congressman Edward Markey, Ranking Member, Natural Resources Committee
Congressman Elijah Cummings, Ranking Member, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
Members, Democratic Steering & Policy Committee

Monday, February 28, 2011 at 2:00 p.m.

340 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, D.C.


Drew Sloan, US Army Veteran and Truman National Security Project Fellow
Mr. Sloan currently works at the Client Solutions Department of the energy efficiency company, OPower. Prior to this, he spent five years in the United States Army, where he served in Afghanistan, was wounded, and after convalescing at Walter Reed, returned to active duty and subsequently deployed to Iraq as the aide-de-camp for a brigadier general. He was awarded two bronze stars for meritorious service and a purple heart. Since departing the military, Mr. Sloan has focused his energies on understanding the nexus between climate change, clean technology, and national security. He has worked at both Rocky Mountain Institute under the direct tutelage of Amory Lovins as well and in the Commercialization Office at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).

Ryan Alexander, President, Taxpayers for Common Sense
Ms. Alexander joined Taxpayers for Common Sense as president in November 2006, after serving on the board for more than 7 years. Over the past two decades, Ms. Alexander has served as a non-profit advocate, manager, funder, and consultant to TCS. Previously, she served as Executive Director of the Common Cause Education Fund, the research and education affiliate of Common Cause, a consultant to foundations and advocacy organizations, a foundation program officer, and a litigating attorney. She co-founded the Appalachian Center for the Economy and the Environment, which she continues to chair, and sits on the board of directors of the Project on Government Oversight.

Deron Lovaas, Federal Transportation Policy Director, NRDC
Mr. Lovaas has worked at the intersection of transportation, energy and environmental policy for fifteen years and recently served as the chief strategist for major bipartisan oil savings policy and the 2005 federal transportation bill. He is also a member of the Board of 2020 Vision, an energy and security group, and Chair of the Air Quality Public Advisory Committee for the metropolitan Washington, D.C. region. Mr. Lovaas has testified before Congress several times and authored numerous analyses, reports and articles. Previous to his seven years at NRDC, Mr. Lovaas worked, among other places, for the National Wildlife Federation, the Sierra Club and Maryland’s Department of Environment.

Tom Carnahan, Founder and Chairman, Wind Capital Group
In 2005, seeing a clear need for alternative energy source development in his home state of Missouri, Mr. Carnahan drew upon his background in law, politics, development, and farm management and partnered with Missouri farmers and rural electric cooperatives to found and develop the state’s first wind farm. Since then, Wind Capital Group has become one of the fastest growing wind developers in the country. Mr. Carnahan serves on the American Wind Energy Association Executive Board and as a regular and enthusiastic spokesman for wind energy, he appeared on National Public Radio’s “All Things Considered” and is a sought after speaker in the area of wind and renewable energies. Mr. Carnahan has also appeared on ABC World News, Fox Business News, MSNBC, CNN and other major networks as an expert on wind energy development.

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