Table III Tool

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

65th Cong.  ↑  40 Stat.  ↑  July 1, 1918  ↑  1918:110 1918:113 1918:114
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
1 640 14 124 Rev. T.
1 643 3 153 Rev. T.
1 644 24 193 Rep.
1 646 50 App. 24 nt
1 650 40 84, 85 Rev. T.
1 650 50 152 Rep.
1 671 42 16 Elim.
1 671 50 134, 144 Rep.
1 672 40 110, 116 Rev. T.
1 674 43 595
1 675 43 380 Rep.
1 677 16 451 Rep.
1 678 16 34
1 683 28 516, 592, 837 Rev. T.
1 688 33 877
1 688 33 868 Rep.
1 693 16 748
1 694 24 10 Rep.
1 694 16 754a