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Education & Labor Committee Republicans

  • Kline Statement: H.R. 2560 the Cut, Cap and Balance Act
    Jul 19, 2011  - I rise today in strong support of the Cut, Cap and Balance Act. The severity of our nation’s fiscal crisis cannot be overstated. More than 14 million Americans are looking for work. Meanwhile, federal spending continues at an unprecedented pace, with an average of $4 billion added to our country’s d... More
  • Hunter Statement: H.R. 1891, the Setting New Priorities in Education Spending Act
    May 13, 2011  - Today I will introduce The Setting New Priorities in Education Spending Act, the first in a series of proposals to reform education in America. There’s an urgent need to fix what’s broken in our nation’s education system. Roughly two-thirds of eighth graders lack basic reading and math skills. Only... More
  • Kline Statement: H.R. 471, the Scholarships for Opportunity and Results (SOAR) Act
    Mar 30, 2011  - I rise today in support of H.R. 471, legislation that would reauthorize the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program. Created in 2004 with bipartisan support, this program has provided an educational lifeline and meaningful choices to thousands of District families. I urge my colleagues to support this... More
  • Kline Statement: Gainful Employment Amendment to H.R. 1
    Feb 17, 2011  - In an op-ed published in the Wall Street Journal, President Obama laid out his plan to conduct a comprehensive regulatory review to “remove outdated regulations that stifle job creation and make our economy less competitive.” I have pledged to be a partner in that effort. Job creation and American c... More
  • Kline Statement: H.Res. 72, the Regulations Resolution
    Feb 11, 2011  - Today’s effort is driven by a simple goal: to ensure every area of the federal government is dedicated to job creation. If we are to get the nation back to work, we all must work together to remove barriers to economic growth and prosperity. Every job matters, and every effort to help create a new j... More
  • Kline Statement: Consideration of H.R. 2
    Jan 19, 2011  - As prepared for delivery. For 20 consecutive months more than 14 million Americans have been unemployed. As much as we would like to solve this problem, the federal government cannot legislate or regulate our way to job creation. We can, however, foster economic certainty that will encourage familie... More
  • Kline Statement: H.R. 6495, the Robert C. Byrd Mine Safety Protection Act of 2010
    Dec 8, 2010  - On April 5 of this year, a tragedy struck Montcoal, West Virginia. On that day, an explosion at the Upper Big Branch coal mine killed 29 miners and provided a stark reminder that coal mining is a profession marked by risks and dangers. And while steps have been taken to strengthen protections for mi... More
  • Kline Statement: Consideration of S. 3307, the Healthy and Hunger-Free Kids Act
    Dec 1, 2010  - The American people have spoken, and they continue to speak loud and clear. I’ve been listening, and I know what I have been hearing in the second district of Minnesota is being repeated from coast to coast. “Stop growing government,” the people are telling us. “Stop spending money we do not have.” ... More
  • Kline Statement on State Bailout
    Aug 10, 2010  - Eighteen months ago, we gathered in this chamber to debate economic stimulus. Republicans wanted to help job creators, but the majority said no, “let’s borrow and spend.” And borrow and spend they did, to the tune of $862 billion. Back then, Democrats sent nearly $100 billion to states and districts... More
  • Kline Statement: Consideration of H.R. 5851, the Offshore Oil and Gas Worker Whistleblower Protection Act of 2010
    Jul 30, 2010  - Whistleblower protections are a longstanding part of our federal safety and health laws. Simply put, they protect workers’ ability to speak freely about dangers in the workplace. They allow working men and women to protect themselves and their coworkers. The ultimate goal of our worker safety laws s... More
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