
Make It In America

Posted on by Karina

House Democrats are working on a “Make it in America” manufacturing strategy to create the high-skill, high-wage jobs of the future–promoting American competitiveness, innovation, and exports. As Speaker Pelosi explained last week, “our strategy will create new American jobs building wind turbines and solar panels to power our homes and businesses. We will force China and other countries to honor fair trade principles; put returning veterans to work in clean energy jobs; and strengthen partnerships with businesses to retrain our workforce.”

Last week, the House passed the first legislative piece, the U.S. Manufacturing Enhancement Act, to increase the competitiveness of U.S firms and support tens of thousands of jobs here at home. The Senate passed the bill yesterday, and the bill is on the way to the President’s desk.

Today, the House passed three more components of the “Make It In America” strategy:

The National Manufacturing Strategy Act, which will develop a clear plan to strengthen our manufacturing sector

The Clean Energy Technology Manufacturing and Export Assistance Act, which promotes American clean technology exports and clean energy jobs

The End the Trade Deficit Act, which establishes a commission to tackle the U.S. trade deficit

Speaker Pelosi on today’s bills:

Today, the House took steps to strengthen the competitiveness of America's workers and businesses and help grow our economy. By passing this legislation, we upheld our pledge to restore 'made in America' to the center of our prosperity — knowing that when we make it in America, we create good-paying jobs here at home and lead the global economy.

These bills reflect our commitment to creating the high-skill, high-wage jobs of the future, and promoting American innovation and exports. With these measures, we are calling for a strategy to strengthen our manufacturing base and create jobs. We will help U.S. clean energy technology firms market and sell their products here and around the world — ensuring that American energy and know how power the 21st century. And we will take steps to reduce our trade deficit, strengthening our economy and our national security.

Our 'Make It In America' agenda moves our nation forward for Main Street and the middle class. Yet Congressional Republicans continue to side with Wall Street and special interests, vowing to bring back the 'exact same' failed Bush policies that cost us 4.6 million manufacturing jobs and doubled our trade deficit. Democrats will not let this happen. We are not going back.

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