Request a Meeting

Thank you for your interest in requesting a meeting or inviting me to participate in your event. I enjoy meeting with Californian’s whenever possible.

Please be advised that I receive hundreds of event and meeting requests each week and carefully review each request in order to maximize the number of invitations I can accept.  Thank you for your patience while your request is being reviewed.

In addition, my schedule is highly dependent upon the legislative calendar in Washington, D.C., which is often modified unexpectedly.  We will notify you promptly if new legislative business is going to conflict with your meeting or event.  

Again, thank you for taking the time to reach out to me with your meeting request or event invitation.

Organization Information
* Prefix * First Name * Last Name
* Email:

* Work Phone Number: Ext.
* Mobile Phone Number:
(Please provide a cell phone number for an individual who will be in attendance at the meeting in case there are any last minute scheduling changes.)
* Organization Name:
* Address:
* City:
* State: * Zip:

Meeting Details
* Date(s) and Time(s) Requested:
* Location:
* Request a meeting with:
* Name, title and organization for each participant; and hometown for each California participant: (Please include all attendees so that we can plan for adequate space for the total number of people)
* Purpose of meeting including summary of what you would like to discuss: