Cemex Mine

Cemex Mine

Over the years I have fought to preserve the beauty of our lands and open spaces for all of us to enjoy. During my second term in Congress I was able to pass into law the Elsmere Canyon bill preventing the largest mega-landfill from being constructed in the Santa Clarita Valley.

Protecting our valleys has always been a very important issue for me in Congress, and I continue to fight for the important issues facing our communities. As you may know, Cemex has been trying for several years to mine aggregate in the Soledad Canyon. From the beginning, I have been an ardent opponent of the Cemex mine.

So far, we've been successful, not one shovel of aggregate has been extracted from the Cemex mine.

Congressman McKeon's Legislative Action on Cemex Mine

106th Congress
October  12, 1999

H.R. 3060

To Prohibit Mining on the Site

107th Congress
February 14, 2001

H.R. 679

To Prohibit Mining on the Site

108th Congress
November 19, 2003

H.R. 3529

To Cancel the Mining Contract

109th Congress
May 24, 2006

H.R. 5471

To Cancel the Contacts and Pay for the Incurred Expenses

110th Congress
April 28, 2008

H.R. 5887

Negotiated Agreement
(First Version)
111th Congress
December 16, 2009

H.R. 4332

Negotiated Agreement
(Current Version)
Boxer Companion S. 3057