
Renewing America through National Service and Volunteerism

Posted on by Karina

Today, the Education and Labor Committee held a hearing to build on the conversations happening across the country on national service and volunteerism, examining the importance of national and community service in meeting critical economic needs across the country.

Chairman Miller:

“As many of you know, we have a new President who has a personal interest in service: President Obama began his career by volunteering in the South Side of Chicago. Last night, I was gratified to hear him make national service a key part of his bold agenda to revive and rebuild our country.”

Usher Raymond IV, Recording Artist and Chairman of Usher’s New Look Foundation:

“When I stand on the stage and see my young fans, I am always blown away by their energy–but I am even more blown away when I come off the stage and see them in action in their community. They call this generation–my generation– the Millennials, but I call us Generation 'S', for service– because we are a generation ready to serve. Together, we are ready to change the world.”

James Harris, Youth Participant or Usher’s New Look Foundation:

“Before camp, I was involved in some things that were not positive at all. Growing up in my neighborhood, I took a lot of negative things as just being the norm. But at camp, they showed me that this was not the norm and that I could do better…Today I'm majoring in business administration and entrepreneurship at Johnson Community College. Though I still aspire to be a successful musician, my dreams have changed dramatically since attending camp.”

Van Jones, Founder and President of Green for All:

Van Jones:
“For low-income, low-skilled young people, the emerging green economy offers pathways out of poverty. Corps, with their emphasis on learning and growing through service projects that meet community needs, provide an ideal setting for that journey.”

Cheryl L. Dorsey, President Echoing Green:

Cheryl Dorsey:
“Social entrepreneurship or social innovation is, essentially, applying the principles of innovation that have served this country so well in the private sector to the social sector–to the work being done to address the pressing social challenges we face.”

Sgt. Major of the Army Kenneth O. Preston, United States Army:

Sgt. Major Preston:
“Throughout history, volunteers played an integral role in the life of Soldiers and their Families. In the early years of our country volunteers mended uniforms, cared for the sick and wounded, and comforted Families of fallen Soldiers. Today our volunteers are found throughout the military community. Soldiers, civilians, retirees, spouses and youth provide services in schools, in hospitals, on sports fields, and in many other organizations and offices.”
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