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Education & Labor Committee Republicans

Full Committee

June 15, 2011
H.R. 2117, "Protecting Academic Freedom in Higher Education"
Archived Webcast   |  Ordered favorably reported, as amended, to the House by a vote of 27-11.

Opening Statements:

Press Release and Photo Album:

Amendments and Motions Offered:

Click on the amendment number for a PDF of the text

Offered   By 
Description   Action Taken Roll Call
1 Mrs. Foxx amendment in the nature of a substitute adopted by voice vote  
2 Mr. Grijalva retains requirement that states have a process to address student complaints
regarding institutions as part of the state authorization
defeated 17-22  No. 1
3 Mr. Miller makes bill effective only if the Dept. IG certifies there are equal or greater
safeguards to prevent waste, fraud and abuse regarding credit hour and state authorization
defeated 17-22  No. 2
4 Mr. Holt makes bill effective only if maximum Pell Grant award is at least $5550 for 2012-2013 school year ruled out of order  ----
5 Mr. Bishop strikes the repeal of the credit hour definition defeated 11-27  No. 3
6 Mr. Bishop strikes the repeal of the prohibition on the Secretary to define a credit hour defeated 16-22  No. 4
motion Mr. Petri report the bill as amended to the House adopted 27-11  No. 5

Submitted for the Record:

Additional Items:     

Committee Report and Reported Bill:


Hearings & Legislation

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