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Education & Labor Committee Republicans

  • ICYMI: Judge Strikes Down Several Provisions of ‘Gainful Employment’ Rule
    Jul 2, 2012  - A federal judge has vacated several provisions of the controversial “gainful employment” rule, which the Department of Education issued last year in an effort to ensure that federal student-aid dollars flowing to vocational programs were good investments and helping prepare students for jobs that p... More
  • ICYMI: Student Loans and Double Standards
    Jun 13, 2012  - President Obama likes to say that everyone in America should "play by the same rules." Okay, so then why does the Administration's new student-loan rule apply to for-profit colleges, but not nonprofits? The regulations that go into effect in July cut off federal student aid to career and technical ... More
  • ICYMI: Market can fix student loans
    Jun 11, 2012  - By Rep. John Kline (R-MN) Unless Congress takes action, student loan interest rates for millions of borrowers will double in just a few short weeks. The House has already done its part by approving the Interest Rate Reduction Act, bipartisan legislation that will prevent a scheduled interest rate i... More
  • ICYMI: Unrepaired Education Department System Leaves Thousands Stuck in Default
    Apr 20, 2012  - Student loan borrowers continue to come forward with troubling stories of the problems plaguing the Department of Education’s management of the Direct Loan Program and, worse, the Obama administration’s seeming inability to address widespread complaints. An article in today’s edition of The Chronicl... More
  • ICYMI: No Way Out of Default
    Apr 18, 2012  - Since Democrats put the Department of Education in charge of originating and overseeing every new higher education loan in the country, a growing number of borrowers have expressed frustration with a range of problems plaguing the Direct Loan Program, from poor customer service and breaches in perso... More
  • ICYMI: Student Body Left
    Nov 9, 2011  - As the default rate rises on federally backed student loans, President Obama has responded with a plan to make education lending even more expensive for taxpayers. That's hard to do, but he's determined. In his first student-lending reform, which was rushed through the Senate as part of ObamaCare, ... More
  • ICYMI: Kline Discusses President’s Student Loan Plan, House-Passed NLRB Legislation with Wall Street Journal
    Nov 1, 2011  - On Monday, U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce Chairman John Kline (R-MN) spoke with the Wall Street Journal's James Freeman about President Obama’s controversial student loan plan, as well as the Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act, bipartisan House-passed legislation t... More
  • Kline Appears on "Fox and Friends" to Discuss President's Controversial Student Loan Plan
    Oct 31, 2011  - House Education and the Workforce Chairman John Kline (R-MN) today appeared on "Fox and Friends" to discuss President's Obama's plan to bypass Congress and unilaterally alter federal student loan policies. “I just think this is a mistake," said Chairman Kline. "It is very confusing. I’ve talked to a... More
  • ICYMI: Higher education plays role in putting people to work
    Aug 15, 2011  - By Reps. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) and Trey Gowdy (R-SC) Despite traces of progress in the Department of Labor’s latest jobs report, unemployment remains a major concern in the Carolinas. The regional unemployment rate hovers around 10 percent — well above the national average of 9.1 percent. Getting fo... More
  • While you were out…
    Sep 13, 2010  - Congress may not have been in session these last several weeks, but plenty has been happening in Washington and around the nation. Below is a brief recap of notable education and labor news – what you might have missed and what is worth watching in the waning days of the congressional session. Commo... More
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