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Education & Labor Committee Republicans

  • ICYMI: Helping Workers and Protecting Taxpayers
    Aug 30, 2011  - By Reps. John Kline and Joe Heck Nevada citizens know far too well the difficult challenges facing families and workers. According to a recent report by the U.S. Department of Labor, unemployment in the Silver State stands at 12.9%, and for 30 straight months, state unemployment has been far greate... More
  • Looking to Tennessee’s 4th District for Ideas and Innovation
    Apr 20, 2011  - Despite recent improvements in the national jobs numbers, unemployment remains well above average here in Tennessee’s 4th Congressional District. With more than 32,000 people out of work in our district, growing the local economy and fostering job creation continues to be the number one priority fo... More
  • Promoting Local Ideas for Education and Jobs
    Mar 21, 2011  - In February, the national unemployment rate dropped below 9 percent for the first time in nearly two years. While any sign of improvement in our economy is welcome news, there are still more than 13 million Americans out of work. Here in Pennsylvania, nearly 523,000 workers remain jobless. We have a... More
  • Local Innovation Key to Region's Economic Recovery
    Mar 20, 2011  - It’s been said that Washington, D.C., is 10 square miles surrounded by reality. Too often, policymakers in our nation’s capital get caught up in the rhetoric and lose sight of the fact that ours is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. And right now, what the people want is ... More
  • Kline Op-Ed in The Washington Examiner: More Jobs, Less Government Tops Education Agenda for 2011
    Nov 19, 2010  - The following op-ed was published online in The Washington Examiner. At first glance, it may be difficult to understand the pairing of education and workplace issues in a single congressional committee. What does a third grade classroom have in common with a construction site? How do school lunches... More
  • Kline Op-ed in The Hill: Education is a jobs issue
    Sep 29, 2010  - The following op-ed was published in The Hill on September 29, 2010 According to the so-called experts, the Great Recession that began during the winter of 2007 ended in June of 2009. This should be welcome news, but many Americans find it hard to believe. More than 14.8 million workers are still u... More
  • Kline op-ed at Democrats' Health Care "Reform": The Next Job Killer
    Jul 10, 2009  - The following op-ed by Rep. John Kline, senior Republican for the House Education and Labor Committee, was published on on July 10, 2009. There they go again. Democrats have controlled the White House and both chambers of Congress for less than six months, yet already their tax-and-spe... More
  • McKeon op-ed in The Washington Examiner on GOP Solutions to Help Americans Rebuild Their Savings
    Apr 21, 2009  - The following op-ed penned by Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-CA) for The Washington Examiner details a soon-to-be-introduced Republican proposal to help Americans protect and rebuild their hard-earned savings. McKeon is the top Republican on the U.S. House Education and Labor Committee and a membe... More
  • Reps. Kline and Price Defend Workers’ Right to a Secret Ballot in The Washington Times
    Mar 19, 2009  - The following op-ed by Reps. John Kline (R-MN) and Tom Price (R-GA) appears today in The Washington Times. Kline and Price are the top Republicans on the Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions Subcommittee and Workforce Protections Subcommittee, respectively. The right to say 'no' John Kline and T... More
  • McKeon Op-Ed Debunks Myth that Card Check Exempts Small Businesses
    Feb 12, 2009  - One of the most persistent myths about the anti-worker card check plan is the notion that small businesses would be exempt from its damaging consequences. In an opinion piece published today in The Washington Times, Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon puts the myth to rest once and for all. What small-bus... More
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