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Education & Labor Committee Republicans

Contact: Press Office (202) 226-9440
Obama Promises to Keep Up the Fight for Big Labor’s Job-Killing Card Check Scheme

Never one to give up on unpopular ideas, President Obama promised a gathering of the AFL-CIO he will stay in the fight to pass the so-called Employee Free Choice Act. Better known as card check, this undemocratic idea would strip workers of their right to a secret ballot when deciding whether to organize a union. 

“President Obama told the AFL-CIO on Wednesday that he would ‘keep on fighting’ to pass the controversial card check’ bill.

“Obama said during a speech to the labor group's executive committee meeting that he continued to support the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA, or ‘card check’) among the litany of proposals he favors to help workers.

“‘[W]e're going to keep on fighting to pass the Employee Free Choice Act,’ Obama told the union.

“‘Getting EFCA through the Senate will be tough. It's always been tough, it'll continue to be tough. But we'll keep on pushing,’ he said.”

Michael O’Brien, “Obama says he’ll ‘keep fighting’ to pass ‘card check,’” The Hill, 08.04.10 

It has been estimated that if card check were the law of the land and the share of unionized workers increased by three percentage points, it would cost the economy1.5 million jobs in the first year alone. It’s no wonder Americans do not trust the policies coming out of Washington; at a time when nearly 15 million workers cannot find jobs, the administration is actively pursuing policies that will only make things more difficult for job creators and job seekers. It is time Washington Democrats stopped fighting for the special interests and started fighting on behalf of the American people.  

In response to this undemocratic proposal and the need to help create jobs, House Republicans have introduced the Secret Ballot Protection Act – legislation that ensures no worker is denied his or her right to a secret ballot and protects workers against coercion and intimidation at the voting booth. Americans from across the country are encouraged to speak out in support of this pro-jobs and pro-worker legislative idea.  


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