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Education & Labor Committee Republicans

Contact: Press Office (202) 226-9440
House Republicans Continue to Fight on Behalf of Workers and Job-Creators
New Legislation Rolls Back NLRB's Assault on the Nation's Workforce

Ignoring the millions of individuals searching for work, Democrats in Washington continue to call for more spending and higher taxes. The American people know our nation needs a better approach. That is why House Republicans are advancing responsible solutions that will help end economic uncertainty and remove regulatory roadblocks to job creation.

Yesterday, House Committee on Education and the Workforce Chairman John Kline (R-MN) and his Republican colleagues introduced another initiative to support workers and job-creators. Recent headlines highlight the Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act will roll back the National Labor Relations Board’s assault on employees and their employers:

Washington Times – “Stepping up efforts to roll back new rules issued by the agency [NLRB]"

The bill, HR-3094, targets proposals from the NLRB on shorter union elections and specialty health care. A legislative hearing on the matter is scheduled for next week, and Mr. Kline expects it to get a markup soon afterward. “There’s a lot of interest out there, because there’s growing concern across the country about what the NLRB is doing,” he said. (Tim Devaney, “GOP Lawmaker Accuses NLRB of bias,” 10/5/2011)

Bloomberg – Proposal Curbs NLRB plans for “speedier union elections”

Speedier union elections proposed by the National Labor Relations Board would be curbed by legislation from Representative John Kline, a Minnesota Republican who leads the committee that oversees labor policy. Votes by employees to form a union couldn’t be conducted held until at least 35 days after an election is requested, Kline, chairman of the House Education and the Workforce Committee, said today. The board’s Republican said the proposal will force votes in 10 to 21 days, giving companies less time to talk with workers. “You want employees to have time to hear both sides,” Kline said today during at a meeting with reporters in Washington. “The legislation says you have to wait at least 35 days before an election.” (Stephanie Armour, “Speedy Union Elections by NLRB Curbed by Republican Measure,” 10/5/2011)

Star Tribune – Legislation will “pre-empt an NLRB plan to implement speedier union elections”

His bill would pre-empt an NLRB plan to implement speedier union elections, a move he says would give companies less time to present their case against unionization. "In my judgment, that's not fair to employees or employers," said Kline, who chairs the House Education and Workforce Committee. The NLRB proposal, adopted in June, would permit workers to vote 10 days after a union election is requested. Kline's bill would require a waiting period of at least 35 days. (Kevin Diaz, “Rep. Kline opens new front on labor fights,” 10/5/2011)

The Hill – “Republicans are moving forward with legislation to roll back regulations coming from the National Labor Relations Board”

Republicans are moving forward with legislation to roll back regulations coming from the National Labor Relations Board….The NLRB has attracted increased GOP scrutiny since it issued a complaint against Boeing for allegedly shifting employment to South Carolina, a right-to-work state, in retaliation against striking union workers in Washington state. The House passed legislation this year to ban the labor board from ordering a company to relocate its employment. (Kevin Bogardus, “House GOP chairman targets NLRB rules,” 10/5/2011)

If the president and his Democratic allies in Washington will not hold the activist NLRB accountable for its job-destroying agenda, Republicans in Congress will.

To learn more about the Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act, click here.

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