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Marcus Hook Mayor to Join Meehan at State of the Union Address

Meehan: Mayor’s Presence Calls to Mind Need for Refinery Buyers, Solutions to Jobs Crisis

SPRINGFIELD, PA – The Mayor of Marcus Hook, James D. Schiliro, will be U.S. Rep. Patrick Meehan’s (PA-07) guest at the President’s State of the Union Address on Tuesday, the congressman announced today.

Meehan said he invited Mayor Schiliro to shine a spotlight on the workers and communities affected by the Sunoco and ConocoPhillips refinery closures, and to stress how important it is for all parties to continue working together to keep good jobs in our region.

“No one knows better than Mayor Schiliro how difficult the refinery closures have been for Marcus Hook and neighboring Trainer,” Meehan said. “I hope his presence will remind the President and my colleagues how critical it is to pass solutions to our jobs crisis and find buyers for these refineries.”

“I commend Mayor Schiliro for his leadership, and I look forward to hearing the President share his views on these and other important issues,” Meehan added.

“This is a once in a lifetime opportunity,” said Mayor Schiliro. “I’m truly grateful to the Congressman for this honor. He and I have worked together for the past several months on trying to find a buyer for the refineries in our region. I feel very honored to be his guest at the State of the Union address.”

Meehan will again participate in the bipartisan seating at this year’s address. In 2011, Meehan sat with Delaware Democratic Representative John Carney. This year, Meehan will sit with Democratic Rep. Jackie Speier, of California. Speier is the Ranking Member on Rep. Meehan’s Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence.
