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Meehan Applauds House Passage of Bill to Strengthen the Stolen Valor Act

Former U.S. Attorney prosecuted individuals for violating Stolen Valor Act


WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Patrick Meehan (PA-07) today applauded House passage of H.R. 1775 the Stolen Valor Act. Meehan strongly supported the legislation which strengthens the original law, passed in 2006, which was struck down by the Supreme Court in June with instructions to Congress to rework it.

“Today is a great day for the brave men and women who have served our country with great distinction and earned some of our nation’s highest military honors,” said Meehan. “Just last evening, I had the opportunity to participate in a charity ice hockey game with the USA Warriors, a team of wounded warriors. Every single player on that team is a Purple Heart recipient. This honor is awarded to those who suffered wounds in combat. Every American owes a debt of gratitude to these heroes, and the Stolen Valor Act will punish those who exploit our servicemembers for their own personal gain.”

While serving as U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Meehan successfully prosecuted several individuals charged with violating the Stolen Valor Act by misrepresenting their military service and wearing military medals they did not earn.


Rep. Patrick Meehan faces off against USA Warriors team member Jared Lemon, a Purple Heart recipient, as General Stewart drops the ceremonial puck to start the USA Warriors vs. Lawmakers hockey game. (photo credit Rachel Larue/Pentagram)
