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Meehan, Gerlach Highlight Effort to Protect Medical Device Manufacturing Jobs

Bipartisan repeal of job-killing tax will protect thousands of SEPA jobs

Springfield, PA – Today U.S. Reps. Patrick Meehan (PA-07) and Jim Gerlach (PA-06) visited Neuronetics Inc., a medical device company located in Malvern. Meehan and Gerlach highlighted their support for a repeal of the medical device tax, a 2.3 percent excise tax on the sale of all medical devices which was included in the 2010 federal health care law. The House passed a repeal of this provision last week. Meehan and Gerlach toured the Neuronetics plant and visited with employees.

“Neuronetics and its workers are a great example of a small business doing really innovative work that would be hurt by this tax,” said Meehan. “Republicans and Democrats agree that this tax must be repealed. It will increase health care costs, cost Pennsylvania jobs, and lessen investments in research and development” I want to thank Congressman Gerlach for his leadership on this issue.”

“Meeting with the hard-working and innovative team at Neuronetics reinforced the fact that this pending tax will have real consequences on workers and small businesses,” said Gerlach. “We should be encouraging growth and opportunity rather than imposing new burdens and higher taxes. I appreciate Congressman Meehan’s hard work in support of repealing this devastating tax and protecting medical innovation and jobs.”

Pennsylvania is home to 600 medical device companies that employ more than 20,000 people. Southeastern Pennsylvania in particular has a thriving medical device manufacturing sector that creates thousands of jobs.
