House GOP Bill Will Reverse White House Efforts to Block or Delay Job-Creating Energy Production

Today, the House will vote on the Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act (H.R. 1230), legislation that will boost American energy production in order to address soaring gas prices and help create jobs. H.R. 1230 requires the Secretary of the Interior to promptly conduct offshore lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and offshore Virginia that have been delayed or canceled by the Obama Administration. Click here to learn more about the bill from the Natural Resources Committee. 

This is one of several bills that will be considered in the coming weeks as part of the American Energy Initiative, an effort on the part of the new House majority to stop anti-American energy policies that are driving up gas prices and costing jobs. The House has already passed the Energy Tax Prevention Act to stop the EPA from imposing a “cap-and-trade” energy tax that will drive up prices and destroy jobs – and there are more bills to come. Learn more and follow our progress on the American Energy Initiative at: