Table III Tool

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

82d Cong.  ↑  65 Stat.  ↑  Oct. 10, 1951  ↑  1951:459 1951:479 1951:480
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
2 373 22 1651 Rep.
101 373 22 1681 Rep.
101(a)(1) 374 22 1579 Rep.
102 22 1682 Rep.
201–206 374, 375 22 1691–1696 Rep.
301, 302(a) 375, 376 22 1701, 1702 Rep.
302(b) 22 1705 Rep.
302(c) 376 22 1547 Rep.
303 376 22 1703 Rep.
304 22 1704 Rep.
401, 402 377 22 1711, 1712 Rep.
403 22 1713 Rep.
501(a)–(d) 377 22 1652 Rep.
501(e)(1) 378 50 402
501(e)(2) 378 22 286b
502, 503 378 22 1653, 1654 Rep.
503(b)(1) 22 1503, 1504, 1507, 1508, 1513 Rep.
504–521 379–384 22 1655–1672 Rep.
522–524 384, 385 22 1509, 1513, 1673 Rep.
525 385 22 1580 Rep.
526 385 22 1574 Rep.
527 385 22 1513 Rep.
528 386 22 1557b, 1557e Rep.
529, 530 386 22 1674, 1675 Rep.
531 387 22 1651 nt Rep.
532–538(a), (b) 22 1675a–1675g Rep.
538(c) 22 1510 Rep.
539–543 22 1675h–1675l Rep.
545 22 1536 nt Rep.
546–548 22 1675m–1675o Rep.
549 22 1697 Rep.
550 22 1675p Rep.