U.S. Congressman Fred Upton

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Upton Recognized for Supporting Small Business
National Federation of Independent Business – the nation’s leading small business association – names Upton “Guardian of Small Business”

Washington, DC, Oct 9 - The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) has honored Representative Fred Upton (R-St. Joseph) with its prestigious “Guardian of Small Business Award” for his legislative work on behalf of small business owners in the 112th Congress.  Among other issues, Upton was recognized for his leadership to protect America’s job creators from costly federal regulations; efforts to promote North American energy production to create jobs and reduce energy costs; opposition to the President’s healthcare law mandates; and support for a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

“Small businesses are at the forefront of our economic recovery here in Michigan, leading the way for job creation and innovation in the private sector,” said Upton.  “In speaking with our area employers, their message is clear: give them greater certainty so they can focus on what they do best, namely creating good-paying jobs in our local communities.”

NFIB President and CEO Dan Danner praised Upton for “standing for small business.” “The record shows that Rep. Upton is a true champion of small business, having stood strong on the key small-business votes in the 112th Congress,” said Danner. “This award reflects our members’ appreciation for supporting the NFIB pro-growth agenda for small business.”

Founded in 1943, NFIB is the leading small business association representing small and independent businesses.  NFIB recognizes Members of Congress based on rankings it gives for key small business votes outlined in its publication How Congress Voted.  Upton earned a 100 percent ranking with NFIB for the 112th Congress.

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