Jobs Report Reveals 32nd Straight Month of Private Sector Job Growth

Nov 2, 2012 Issues: Labor, Jobs and Job Training


WASHINGTON – Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), the senior Democratic member of the House Education and the Workforce Committee, issued the following statement after the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today the United States economy added 184,000 private-sector jobs in October, marking the 32nd straight month of private-sector job growth or more than 5.4 million jobs.

“Today’s report shows that the nation’s economy continues to head in the right direction. We are still not growing fast enough, obviously, but we cannot forget how far we have come since President Obama was sworn into office, a time when the economy was losing nearly 800,000 jobs a month and no end in sight to economic decline. But decisive action by the Democratic Congress and President Obama and very hard work by average Americans saved our economy from the brink.

“There is much more work to be done to rebuild the middle class, and we can do it. Tragically, we lost precious time over the past two years due to obstruction by recalcitrant members of Congress and Senators who refused, for partisan reasons, to work with our President to grow the economy. For too long, the interests of working families and the middle class have taken a backseat to the interests of the powerful and most fortunate among us. Congress needs to work together to help rebuild ladders of opportunity for those who are willing to work hard and play by the rules. We need to put an end to obstructionism and brinkmanship and keep the economy moving in the right direction.”