Rep. Michael Honda Joins U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan PDF Print E-mail

WASHINGTON D.C. (May 4, 2009) - Kicking off National Teacher Appreciation Week, US Rep. Michael Honda (CA-15) joined hundreds of local public school students and their teachers, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, other members of Congress and National Education Association President Dennis Van Roekel to unveil NEA’s “Teacher Thank-You Project,” a never before seen collection of thousands of thank-you cards artfully displayed on a larger-than-life mural measuring 8 feet tall and 75 feet wide.

In response, US Rep Honda said, “Teacher Appreciation Week reminds us of the critical role teachers play in educating our nation’s children and providing the skills necessary to help our young, and consequently our nation, thrive. To show lasting teacher appreciation, however, we must also ensure that teachers have the salaries, training and development opportunities, and support they need to thrive. These teachers are grooming America’s next generation of leaders – we must give them all the tools they need to do this job effectively.”

“As a former teacher, principal and board member,” continued Rep Honda, “I understand firsthand the challenges many teachers face on a daily basis. Teacher training and support should be a top priority for anyone interested in America’s future. Our children are the nation’s future workforce and leaders, and our country’s success is dependent upon the skills and sensibilities of these students. We have entrusted our teachers with this important responsibility, and we must make sure they have the resources to accomplish this task. This is one of the many components addressed in my recently introduced Educational Opportunity and Equity Commission Act.”

Aimed at publicly thanking teachers for their hard work and dedication to America’s students, NEA’s Teacher Thank-You Project was created in 2007 in response to an NEA poll that found the gift teachers would most like to receive is a simple “thank you.” Over the past two years, the project has received heartfelt thank-you notes and cards from celebrities, athletes, notable public figures, students and individuals from across the nation. The goal is to keep the mural growing and create the largest public tribute of thanks to teachers nationwide.

The collection of teacher thank-you cards can also be viewed virtually at The interactive online mural was created in conjunction with NEA Member Benefits. Through the site, individuals can peruse more than 8,000 cards, view virtual images and footage of the mural, write their own thank-you cards to send to their favorite educators, and more.

About the Educational Opportunity and Equity Commission Act: The Act creates a national commission charged with gathering public opinions and insights about how government can improve education and eliminate disparities in the education system. Importantly, the Commission’s composition would change the nature of the debate. Comprised of parents, teachers and experts on equity, civil rights, education policy, school finance, economics, and taxation — not merely state and federal legislators — the reform road map would be written by all users and beneficiaries of America’s education system. For more information:



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