Rep. Michael Honda Introduces Global Warming Education Act PDF Print E-mail

WASHINGTON D.C. – Today, Representative Michael Honda (CA-15) re-introduced the Global Warming Education Act to create a global warming education program within the National Science Foundation (NSF) to broaden America’s understanding of human-induced global warming, short- and-long-term consequences, and potential solutions. Given that Congress is getting serious about tackling climate change, Rep. Honda is hopeful this legislation will pass this year, as an integral component of a comprehensive climate agenda.

Rep. Honda’s legislation will provide a broad array of educational materials to learn about home improvements, tax incentives, and other measures that can benefit the environment. Broadly speaking, the NSF global warming education program will provide formal and informal learning opportunities, accessible to those of diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, and provide actionable information to enhance the implementation of new technologies, programs, and incentives related to energy conservation, renewable energy, and greenhouse gas reduction. Maximum understanding will ensure maximum impact.

Rep. Honda noted, “Global warming presents us with a new kind of problem. Widespread understanding of this phenomenon will play a significant role in our ability to address a crisis that tangibly and immediately impacts every single human being. It is vital that people of all walks of life possess sufficient understanding of the issue so that each and every one of us may play a role in defending the health of our planet.”

Highlights of the Global Warming Education Act include: 1) A National Information Campaign to help people understand global warming, and grants for innovative projects to expand climate science education. These grants can be used to develop new climate science education materials in print, electronic, and audiovisual formats. 2) A Competitive Grant Program to provide grants to states, municipalities, educational institutions, and other organizations to create informal education materials, exhibits, and multimedia presentations relevant to global warming and climate science; develop climate science K-12 curriculum and supplementary educational materials; or publish global warming and climate science information in print, electronic, and audio-visual forms.

The bill also includes a “Findings of Congress” section, which states the following: Congress finds that: (1) The evidence for human-induced global warming is overwhelming and undeniable; (2) The United States emits more carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases than any other country; (3) Atmospheric carbon can be significantly reduced through conservation, by shifting to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, tidal, and geothermal, and by increasing the efficiency of buildings, including domiciles, and transportation; (4) Providing clear information about global warming, in a variety of forms, can remove the fear and the sense of helplessness, and encourage individuals and communities to take action; (5) Implementation of measures that promote energy efficiency, conservation, and renewable energy will greatly reduce human impact on the environment; and (6) Informing people of new technologies and programs as they become available will ensure maximum understanding and maximum impact of those measures.



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