Members of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus Commemorate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month PDF Print E-mail

Washington, DC – Members of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) join the Asian and Pacific Islander American (APIA) community to celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month in May. 


This year’s theme, “Dreams and Challenges of Asian Pacific Americans” reflects the Asian and Pacific Islander American (APIA) community’s commitment to fairness and equality.  We also take the time this month to remember those who helped pave the way for APIAs such as Sam Chu Lin and Judge Delbert Wong.  Both men were extraordinary in their fight for equality, justice, and freedom for all Americans.  The month of May remains a time for our community to reflect and remember those who preceded us in our fight for civil rights and social justice. 


Additionally, this year marks the 100th anniversary of Filipino immigration to this country.  Our country was founded by immigrants who believed in freedom, and they paved the way for all Americans to live in a country that values our liberty and freedom.  The greatness of our country stems from its diversity, and we must continue to build a promising future for all.


Quotes from members of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus:


“The contributions of AAPIs need to be recognized and remembered as part of U.S. history, from the makings of the transcontinental railroad, the courage of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and the Filipino veterans, to Dalip Singh Saud, who was the first Indian American to be elected in Congress, to the exploitation of garment workers, and the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II,” said Rep. Mike Honda (CA-15), Chair of CAPAC. 


“As the only Native Hawaiian and Chinese American in the U.S. Senate, I am proud to join in the celebration honoring the achievements of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders across our country. I know first hand the significant impact that AAPIs have made and continue to make in creating initiatives that strengthen and improve the well being of our communities,” stated Senator Akaka. “This month, let us not only reflect on these achievements but also encourage younger leaders to build upon these foundations of success,” said Senator Daniel Akaka (HI).


“Americans of Asian and Pacific ancestry comprise one of the fastest-growing segments of the U.S. population.  Their contributions can be seen in diverse fields, such as medicine, high technology, community advocacy, sports, and culture and the arts.  By recognizing the contributions of Asian Americans, we recognize the importance of diversity and inclusion in American society,” said Senator Daniel Inouye (HI).

“Asian Pacific American Heritage month is a special opportunity to acknowledge and pay tribute to the contributions of this community – from I. M. Pei, Maya Lin, Tiger Woods and Michelle Kwan, to Amy Tan, Yo Yo Ma, and General Eric Shinseki.  Our nation would not be what it is today without their immeasurable input,” said Rep. Doris O. Matsui (CA-5). “Their unique contributions enhance the moral fabric and character of this great nation and illustrate this year’s theme of ‘Dreams and Challenges of Asian Pacific Americans.


I encourage the APA community to utilize Asian Pacific American Heritage Month by once again celebrating their diverse cultures and by calling upon the Administration and Congress to address their unique concerns and needs as we debate important national issues that are priorities in Washington, D.C. 2006 marks another important year for our Asian Pacific American community, in particular our Filipino American community, who are commemorating the centennial of sustained immigration from the Philippines into the United States” said Rep. Ed Case (HI-02).


“As we celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, we recognize that Asian Pacific Americans no longer remain spectators to the parade of politics, or as vulnerable victims of partisan power struggles.  They partake in our democracy as voters, public policy advocates, and elected officials and they work day in and day out to become more organized, more visible, and more effective participants and community leaders.  I applaud their efforts — this month and every month,” said Rep. Xavier Becerra (CA-31).


“Asian Pacific American Heritage Month showcases  the APA community.  We take this opportunity to celebrate the contributions and aspirations of this group which has done so much to make our nation a better place to live and raise our families,” said Rep. Neil Abercrombie (HI-1).


"The Asian Pacific American community remains and always will be an integral and vibrant part of American society.  As we take part in the celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, I urge everyone to participate more deeply in the civic life of our nation.  The civic engagement of Asian Pacific American's will help define our collective future.  By working together we can bridge, and build upon, our great nation's diverse communities and move forward with determination and unity," said Rep. David Wu (OR-1).


“Today, we begin our celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month by honoring the accomplishments of Asian Pacific Americans.  They have enriched our society and shaped the character of our Nation through their diverse languages, cultures, and religious beliefs. Asian Pacific Americans are helping to strengthen our economy and our communities through their hard work and ingenuity.  Today, we will join the 13.5 million American citizens of Asian Pacific heritage in celebrating their historical traditions and contributions to the future and prosperity of our Nation," said Rep. Robert C. "Bobby" Scott (VA-3).


“Asian Pacific Heritage Month helps us to remember the contributions of those before us as well as the opportunities we have to promote awareness in our present and future.  Through working together, we will continue to grow as a community.  For our community on Guam, Asian Pacific Heritage is not something to celebrate one month out of every year, rather it is a source of pride for all of us always,” said Rep. Madeleine Bordallo (Guam).






Victoria Tung

Executive Director çCongressional Asian Pacific American Caucus

Congressman Michael M. Honda ç 1713 Longworth HOB ç Washington, D.C. 20515 ç (w) 202-225-2631/ (f) 202-225-2699 ç



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