Members of CAPAC Hold their First-Ever Retreat PDF Print E-mail

WASHINGTON, DC – Members of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) held the first-ever retreat in Washington, D.C on February 15, 2005. The retreat provided CAPAC members an opportunity to focus on priority issues such as immigration, education, civil rights, health, and economic development in the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community.

“As Chair of CAPAC, I was excited to have both the Executive Board and Associate members join me in the first CAPAC retreat,” said Congressman Mike Honda (D-CA). “The priorities set forth by the Chairs of the Task Forces will help the Caucus to achieve our legislative goals this Congress. I look forward to working with both the Congressional Black and Hispanic Caucus advocating for the key issues affecting our communities.”

The retreat included reports by each Chair of the CAPAC Task Forces, as well as member discussion on legislation that CAPAC will support in the 109th Congress. Additionally, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (CA) and Congresswoman Napolitano (D-CA), Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) outlined their plans for collaborating with CAPAC.

“CAPAC is playing an increasingly vital role in our debates in Congress, and I was proud to participate in its first-ever retreat,” Leader Pelosi said. “Under the leadership of Congressman Mike Honda, CAPAC will continue to fight for the priorities of the AAPI community, to build coalitions, and to reach out to new immigrant communities.”

“The success of the First-Annual CAPAC Member Retreat reflects the growing voice of the AAPI community and Chairman Honda’s efforts to increase the visibility of the caucus.” said Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo (D-Guam), CAPAC Secretary and Health Task Force Chair. “I look forward to working with my CAPAC colleagues to move legislation important to our communities during the 109th Congress.”

“I was proud to take part in the first-ever CAPAC retreat,” Congressman David Wu (D-OR) said. “Since it was founded in 1994, CAPAC has brought together Members of Congress to strengthen civil rights, economic, and educational opportunities for the AAPI community. This gathering brought even more focus and unity to help us meet these goals.”

“CAPAC provides leadership and service to the AAPI community and our nation by adding its voice to AAPI perspectives and tackling critical issues within the community,” Congressman Xavier Becerra (D-CA). “As discussed during the retreat, our goal is to work with our colleagues in the 109th Congress to reach significant milestones by promoting discussion and positive solutions.”


The Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) is a bicameral and bipartisan caucus of Members of Congress of Asian and Pacific Islander descent and Members who have a strong dedication to promoting the well-being of the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. Founded in 1994 by then Congressman Norman Mineta, and currently chaired by Congressman Michael Honda, CAPAC has been addressing the needs of the AAPI community in all areas of American life. For more information on CAPAC, please call (202) 225-2631 or visit



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