A conversation about our education policies PDF Print E-mail

This evening I conducted a telephone town hall on our nation’s education policies.

As a former high school teacher, principal, and school board member, education has always been my top priority. For that reason, I chose to hold my first Telephone Town Hall on this important topic.

Quality education advances the arts and sciences, provides the means for people to achieve individual success, and assures that our citizens are critical thinkers. Silicon Valley is recognized as an economic engine for our nation because of our highly educated workforce, and to maintain that growth we must improve the quality of education in our schools.

During the call I discussed the status of the re-authorization of No Child Left Behind, and engaged in a conversation about NCLB and other important issues impacting the education of our children.

Next week I will be posting recordings from the call and responses to some of the most frequently asked questions which we did not have time to discuss.



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