In education, one size does not fit all PDF Print E-mail

The global competition of the 21st century requires schools to think creatively about the best way to prepare students for the challenges they will face. I am proud to congratulate Rancho Milpitas Middle School in Milpitas for being honored as a "California School to Watch".

In education, one size does not fit all

Rancho Milpitas Middle School won this honor for its innovative educational strategies, including the use of differentiated learning, which the report notes:

involves tailoring lessons or instructional strategies to meet the individual needs of students … Differentiated strategies assume that one size cannot fit all and that teaching to the middle or "average" student fails to challenge advanced learners or support those who struggle.

Just as computer purchases can now be customized to meet the needs of consumers, our children deserve an education tailored to their strengths and weaknesses. During my days working as a principal and a teacher I tried to break away from the “one size fits all” approach to teaching. Today I am even more certain that our education system requires fundamental reforms emphasizing innovation in a more student-centered classroom.



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