STEM Education Briefing (with audio) PDF Print E-mail

Our nation must commit to increasing and improving the quality and diversity of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) workforce if we are to sustain and strengthen America’s ability to compete in the global economy.

I convened a briefing this week to allow experts to present recent reports, trends, and policy recommendations on improving STEM education in America.

You can listen to a complete recording of the briefing or listen to podcasts from the presentation of each speaker.


Dr. Shirley Malcom, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Dr. Malcom spoke about a report addressing our fractionated STEM education system and identified areas requiring the greatest attention, such as including increasing the participation of underrepresented minorities.(podcast)

Dr. Jeffrey J. Kuenzi, Congressional Research Service

Dr. Kuenzi highlighted the recommendations and rationale of the American Competiveness Council's recent report evaluating Federal STEM education initiatives. (podcast)

Dr. Craig Robinson, National Science Board

Dr. Robinson presented the recommendations of the National Science Board's recent National Action Plan and an overview of the Board's recommendations to improve STEM teacher quality. (podcast)

Ed Potosnak, Office of Congressman Mike Honda

Mr. Potosnak reviewed key provisions of the Enhancing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education Act, which would improve STEM education coordination and coherence among federal and state governments. (podcast)



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