Global Warming: We All Must Join the Fight to Protect our Planet PDF Print E-mail

Nearly every point on the globe is experiencing global climate change, and the debate is no longer if, but when, these changes will dramatically affect our daily lives. We don’t have much time. We all can make a difference in stemming this impending crisis, but we must understand how our own actions and informed choices affect necessary change. Last month, I convened a bipartisan Congressional forum with scientists and several Latin American representatives to discuss the environmental and economic impacts of climate changes on the Americas. Leaders highlighted the growing need for international cooperation in creating a unified energy and environmental strategy across the Americas to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and stanch the tide of global warming. I also introduced The Global Warming Education Act to create nationwide education programs under the auspices of the National Science Foundation to broaden the understanding of human-induced global warming, possible long and short-term consequences, and potential solutions. My legislation also provides actionable information to enhance the implementation of new technologies, programs, and incentives related to energy conservation, renewable energy, and greenhouse gas reduction. In the very first direct House of Representatives vote on the global warming issue, significant portions of my legislation were incorporated – on a bipartisan basis – into the National Science Foundation (NSF) Authorization Act of 2007. I am proud that my legislation will likely serve as a bellwether for future policy development on global climate change.



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