Your New Voice in Federal Funding Priorities PDF Print E-mail

With Democrats poised to take control of the House of Representatives, we are taking steps to implement new solutions to address our nation’s many unmet needs, including adding members to committees within the House. Earlier this week I was appointed to the Appropriations Committee , where I will work to direct funding to address such fundamental needs as:

  • access to affordable healthcare
  • worker training
  • port and border security
  • adequate law enforcement to keep our streets and neighborhoods safe
  • health care for our veterans recovery from natural disasters, particularly Hurricane Katrina
  • education, particularly fully funding No Child Left Behind and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

I believe my life experiences have prepared me well to serve on the Committee. I came to Congress with more than a decade of experience in local and state government, and more than thirty years of service as an educator and administrator. This experience has shown me how the appropriations priorities set by Congress impact what state and local officials and public servants are able to do for their communities, and as a member of the Appropriations Committee, I will fight to make sure that we address the needs of states, communities and families. In addition, I will make sure that California receives the resources for transportation, infrastructure and other programs we need to continue thriving as an economic engine for the entire nation.

I am pleased to bring Silicon Valley representation to the Appropriations Committee. Silicon Valley is a diverse region, housing one of our nation’s most innovative and powerful economic engines, and it is crucial that the federal government adopt and implement policies to ensure that it continues to grow, such as the Innovation Agenda . We must, however, stop the funding abuses and corruption we have seen during the last 12 years of Republican control of the House. I will work to ensure that the appropriations process is more transparent and fair. To provide time to more carefully address concerns about projects receiving federal appropriations, a moratorium is being placed on all earmarks that were previously included in the still incomplete Fiscal Year 2007 appropriations bills and no new earmarks will be considered until a reformed process is put in place.

As Chair of the Asian Pacific American Caucus, I am also honored to bring an Asian Pacific American voice to the Committee. APAs are a growing portion of our nation’s population, and they have gone for too long without representation on the committee that sets our nation’s funding priorities.

What areas do you think are most underfunded and deserving of additional attention?



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