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On the Issues

Directing Funding to Fundamental Needs

I am pleased to bring representation to the Appropriations and Budget Commitees for California’s 15th District. Silicon Valley is a diverse region, housing one of our nation’s most innovative and powerful economic engines. It is crucial that the federal government adopt and implement policies to foster its continued growth, while ensuring that critical programs are available to serve our communities, families and the neediest among us.


Civil and Constitutional Rights

We need to utilize every resource to insure Americans are safe in their homes and workplaces; on their roads and rivers; and of our ports and borders – but we must be equally vigilant to protect American civil liberties guaranteed over 200 years ago in our Constitution.


Energy Independence

I believe that energy is one of the most important challenges that we face as a nation, in particular our addiction to fossil fuels.


Fiscal Responsibility

The federal budget should be a statement of our nation’s values that reflects the priorities of the American people: good jobs, safe communities, quality education, and access to health care. In recent years, however, Republican budget proposals have conflicted with these priorities and sent our nation into deeper and deeper debt.


Health Care

Maintaining and improving the health of individuals is key to a healthy society. Health is connected to every aspect of our lives, and affects our capacity to work, live, and play. The health of Americans is intrinsically tied to our health care system and is influenced by the way we have chosen to organize our social and economic resources. As the divide between the haves and the have-nots grows wider in our society, we all suffer. Our nation cannot prosper without addressing health disparities and assuring access to high quality and affordable health care.


Homeland Security

As a nation, it is vital to protect America’s security from threats at home and abroad. Democrats are working to make sure that the federal government does more to support our police officers, firefighters, and emergency medical personnel, by providing training and equipment needed to keep America safe and secure. We must also work for tighter security at airports, seaports, rail tunnels, terminals, transit facilities, and other vulnerable targets, taking a comprehensive, unified approach in protecting our nation.


Transparency in Government

The technologies developed in Silicon Valley can be implemented by Congress to allow citizens better access to the actions of their representatives. I have been advocating for making legislative information accessible in a format that would allow non-governmental websites to republish the information in innovative ways.


Honoring our Veterans

Since our nation’s founding, the U.S. military has been dispatched to all parts of the world to defend our freedom and that and our allies. In battles big and small, the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces have distinguished themselves through their strength, loyalty and valor. Their service, however, has not come without great sacrifice. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have died and millions more injured defending this country.


Affordable Housing

Homeownership is the fulfillment of the American Dream, and is the traditional starting point for American families to accumulate wealth. Homeownership provides shelter and security to families, and fosters involvement in community life, as well as participation in democratic institutions. Homeownership provides important social as well as economic benefits. It is the cornerstone of a healthy community and the basis for positive community involvement.



The ideal of the United States is to open its doors and welcome those in need of refuge as those who are seeking a better life. Unfortunately, we have also seen darker periods in our history when emotions of anti-immigrant sentiments prevailed.


Foreign Policy

As one of the world's strongest, richest and most innovative countries, we must do our part to raise the standard of living for other less fortunate parts of the world and by doing so, we help create a more stable international environment, thereby also benefitting us.


Preserving our Environment

The current administration’s record on the environment has been dismal. On most major issues — clean air, clean water, the protection of the public lands from commercial exploitation — President Bush retreated or signaled retreat from the policies of his predecessors.


Protecting Social Security

Social Security is the cornerstone of our national commitment to older Americans and has been our nation’s most successful domestic program. Created in 1935, the Social Security program has lifted millions of Americans from poverty due to age, death and disability and allowed millions more to maintain independent and financially secure lives during their retirement years.


Quality Education

As a former high school teacher, principal, and school board member, education has always been my top priority. I believe that the greatest investment a nation can make is the education of its youth. Quality education assures the economic competitiveness of the nation, advances the arts and sciences, and provides the means for people to achieve individual success.


Safe and Efficient Transportation

I have successfully fought for Santa Clara County’s fair share of federal transportation funding to improve the inter-city and intra-city travel for our fast growing region. More broadly, I have been at the forefront of Congressional efforts to craft policies that encourage sound planning for our nation’s airports, highways, and public transportation systems.


Encouraging Innovation and Development of Technology

The emerging fields of nanoscience and nanoengineering (collectively, “nanotechnology”), which allow the control of materials at the atomic level, are leading to unprecedented scientific and technological opportunities that will benefit society by changing the way many items are designed and made, in areas such as electronics, medicine, energy, biotechnology, and information technology. I have enacted legislation to encourage the development of nanotechnology in the United States.



Women have made tremendous economic, political, and social advances during the 20th century, but are far from enjoying gender equality. Women continue to face many obstacles in our society, and I am committed to working towards policy changes that support and encourage gender equality.



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